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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Agreed and they have an average tenure of like 1.2 years, but their stock vesting schedule gives you 5% in year one, then 15%, 40%, and 40%. So you’re pretty likely to never get whatever carrot they dangle in front of you.

I really do wonder if Amazon will run out of people willing to work for them someday. Their approach assumes there is an infinite supply of workers to burn through. Given everything I’ve witnessed from the company, I’d never work there. Do they at some point poison the labor pool against them?

I think most people in California support the crackdown. California tried the compassionate approach for many years, but we are sick of seeing meth heads in our downtowns. From the article, these people are being offered shelter beds and are refusing them. They are turning down help. There has to be a limit.

How about internet that can be blocked at the whims of a billionaire? At least government is supposed to answer to the people.

Netflix has no way to continue growing aside from increasing prices. That is a bad sign. They will just keep squeezing people. Your best bet is to stop subscribing.

Yeah and they want to install some profile that gives them access and puts your internet connection through their VPN. My coworkers look at me like I’m crazy because I carry a work device and a personal device. Like, why would I give my employer access to all of my web traffic on my phone? You’re crazy if you don’t carry two devices.

In another video on what his favorite phone is though, he picks an android. He does use both phones daily though because he likes to stay up to date and enmeshed in both OSes for his job. He prefers android though. If he covers a lot of Apple videos it’s probably just because those attract the most clicks. There is an entire media ecosystem around Apple. Some YouTubers purely post speculation videos about Apple. Many just repost different variations of Apple’s history and the Steve Jobs story.

Well it would be something that is for, you know, research. Like the core technology exists in a GitHub repo for science and the public interest, but the master keys are just not included, and up for you to procure on your own with a “legitimate license.”

Then it can be an open source project like PiHole that runs on a raspberry pi and that only cool people know about

Cryptanalysis researchers demonstrated flaws in HDCP as early as 2001. In September 2010, an HDCP master key that allows for the generation of valid device keys was released to the public, rendering the key revocation feature of HDCP useless.[8][9] Intel has confirmed that the crack is real,[10] and believes the master key was reverse engineered rather than leaked.[11] In practical terms, the impact of the crack has been described as “the digital equivalent of pointing a video camera at the TV”, and of limited importance for consumers because the encryption of high-definition discs has been attacked directly, with the loss of interactive features like menus.[12] Intel threatened to sue anyone producing an unlicensed device.[11]


Easy, just ask it something a human wouldn’t be able to do, like “Write an essay on The Cultural Significance of Ogham Stones in Early Medieval Ireland“ and watch it spit out an essay faster than any human reasonably could.

The same NY Times suing Open AI for copyright infringement. Rules for thee, but not for me.

If the NY Times’ case has any merit, then the art generated by AI is also based on copyright infringing models.

I need to start a business selling rectangular shaped covers for these displays. I’ll even make one that serves as a holder for an iPad, so you can substitute your own screen.

I don’t see how the AI assistant won’t eventually just end up on the smartphone. And, given that it’s not always appropriate to talk out loud to your phone, being able to use it with a screen makes it the perfect device for it.

It’s going to be a bunch of AIs sitting around spewing bullshit since all the humans sent their AIs to the meeting.

I like the Deck, but lately been using my Switch again because I like the battery life and the smaller form factor sometimes. I hope Valve releases a Deck that is a little easier to slip into a bag and that can do a bit better than 1.5-2.5 hours of battery life.

I’ll still use my Deck, but in some cases where the same game I want is available on Switch and I am traveling, I will choose the Switch for its form factor.

This was predictable. Everyone has a phone. Phones have CarPlay and Android Auto.

The fact that they named it “Car Thing” made it clear that it didn’t have much of a valid use and that they didn’t really have a lot of confidence in it.

It’s annoying that they even created it in the first place. It’s more annoying that they now predictably are not supporting it anymore. It should be illegal.

Elon ripped out the LiDAR, I don’t have any faith at all in Tesla’s FSD.

They still have excess money from COVID. — They’re still spending it down. Housing prices are up, stock prices are up, jobs are plentiful

How much money do they think people have left over from Covid?

People got like $3200 total in stimulus checks - or a couple months rent in most parts of the country. There is no way most people have this money 3 years later.

Also stocks and home prices being up is good for some people (old) and bad for others (young).

What’s the plan if we run out of oil? I mean seriously, it’s gonna happen eventually. Even if you want to ignore the science on climate change, you can’t ignore basic laws of the universe that oil is a finite resource. If we don’t have a plan for when it runs out, there will be utter chaos.