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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Interesting, for me it was the opposite.

When I had to go back to the office, I started burning cooking oil and truck tires in my backyard every weekend, so my ecological footprint increased significantly

Do you have some good examples? I recently moved there, and want to avoid Amazon, when possible

I cancelled spotify a few months ago, when getting some free Apple music with my Airpods. Not the best, but still happy that I don’t have to use Spotify anymore, will probably shop around after my free period with Apple is done

You can opt out easily in the EU, my request was granted in a few seconds. They don’t actually read it, they just hope most people go never opt out

Welcome to the future of the internet. Good luck trying to find a 2 days old news article on facebook from a big publisher, because you wanted to read the comments.

Is there an AI technology that would help me not roll my eyes every time I hear AI? Can’t wait to add this to the garbage pile of popped bubbles next to NFT, blockchain and metaverse.

And I’m saying that as somebody who uses LLMs for work regularly, it is a useful tool, but the absolute delusional bullshit hype that imagines uses beyond its capabilities is exhausting.

Many decades ago, the US decimated parts of cities and a lot of railway infrastructure to make way for cars. It’s never too late to ruin something

“You shouldn’t be worried if you have nothing to hide” 🤷‍♂️

Tap for spoiler


Fucking unhinged idiocracy. Capitalism is the cancer of humanity

LLMs are very useful for synthesizing information, e.g. sumamrizing long texts. Yet every company is actually pushing to use it to create more text, which as you say is at least partly nonsense.

It shows against the difference of what users need (quick access to accurate information) vs what these companies eant for us (glue your eyeballs to the screen for the longest possible time by e.g. overwhelming you with information, regardless of the quality)

Angry reader slammed article due to a word in its title - you might be surprised to find out which

“At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don’t Create The Torment Nexus”

Absolutely, you cannot trust reddit content anymore. If anybody wants to still visit the site, I recommend you buy and AdBlock Gold subscription, which you can get at half the price now. Link and discount code in my profile

I would assume this offer is meant for the lowly peasants like us, not other big corpos. Though most likely the printer industry is struggling, and they are gasping at straws, trying to mine data in the hope they can monetize it somehow

Yes, those official (bullshit) ranges are not for highway speeds nor winter weather.

I live in Germany, but drive 1000+ kms to my hometown in Eastern Europe around Christmas (and often Easter and summer), going 160-180 kmph where allowed. I would have to stop to charge around every 2 hrs, spend time waiting for (fast) charging, and have a tortured battery after a few trips. As we have a dog, flying is not possible, so we do have to drive.

So even if an EV fits 90% of my driving days, due to this 10% I need an ICE car. I’m not happy about it, as I like driving EVs, and could charge at my work for free. I could of course also get 2 cars, one small EV for city driving during the year, and an ICE for the long trips, but that’s just too much money.

I also checked PHEV, but that version of my car would have a 20 liter smaller tank, 100+ liter smaller trunk, and more weight - so not really an option for the long trips.

One interesting option for EVs is are the battery swap stations for NIO, now all over Germany - you lease your battery, and can swap it instead of charging at stations, takes 5 minutes.

Wow, they’ll manage to make online dating even more horrible. Now that is true innovation

We use MS Teams, and even if there’s so much shit you can throw at it for valid reasons (e.g. not working with AirPods Pro 2, wtf?) this could never happen, as our single MS Office account is linked throughout all the software/services we use (and of course you can’t change your name).

I don’t undertsand why a corporation would give up this kind of central account control and use a service, where - based on the article - most likely a poor IT admin guy has to manually search for the username of a leaving employee.

Wow, amazing news (as an EU citizen). Will definitely check out the “proper” Ff once it’s out

Autonomous vehicles, like trains or subways are indeed very useful for people with disabilities.

Good tip, already blocked them a few weeks ago due to all the Musk spam, and my feed improved significantly

This is not true, the stock price is slightly higher than it was Friday.

It was most likely a pre-planned move (copying a comment I made on Monday):

  1. Sam wants to push for more & quicker profit with MS and VC backing, but board resists, constant conflicts
  2. Sam aligns with MS, hatch a plan on how to gut OpenAI for its know-how, ppl, and tech, leaving the non-profit part bleeding out in the gutter
  3. Sam & MS set a trap: Sam crosses some red lines, maybe taking commercial decisions without board approval. Potentially there was also some whispering in key ears (e.g, Ilya) by seemingly helpful advisors/VCs to push & pull at the same time on both sides
  4. Board has enough after Sam doesn’t back down, fires him & other co-founder guy
  5. MS and VCs go full attack to discredit board. After some info gathering, they realize they have been utterly fucked
  6. Some chaos, quick decision of appointing/replacing ppl, trying to manage the fire, even talking to Sam (btw this might have been a fallback option for MS, that the board reinstates him with more control and guardrails, weakening the power of the non-profit)
  7. Sam joins MS, masks are off
  8. Employees on the sinking ship revolt, even Ilya realizes he was manipulated/fucked
  9. OpenAI dead, key ppl join MS, tech and rest of the company bought for scraps. Non-profit part dead. Capitalist victory

Source: subjective interpretation/deduction based on the available info and my experience working as a management consultant for 10 years (dealing with lot of exec politics, though nothing this serious)

  1. Sam wants to push for more & quicker profit with MS and VC backing, but board resists, constant conflicts
  2. Sam aligns with MS, hatch a plan on how to gut OpenAI for its know-how, ppl, and tech, leaving the non-profit part bleeding out in the gutter
  3. Sam & MS set a trap: Sam crosses some red lines, maybe taking commercial decisions without board approval. Potentially there was also some whispering in key ears (e.g, Ilya) by seemingly helpful advisors/VCs to push & pull at the same time on both sides
  4. Board has enough after Sam doesn’t back down, fires him & other co-founder guy
  5. MS and VCs go full attack to discredit board. After some info gathering, they realize they have been utterly fucked
  6. Some chaos, quick decision of appointing/replacing ppl, trying to manage the fire, even talking to Sam (btw this might have been a fallback option for MS, that the board reinstates him with more control and guardrails, weakening the power of the non-profit)
  7. Sam joins MS, masks are off
  8. Employees on the sinking ship revolt, even Ilya realizes he was manipulated/fucked
  9. OpenAI dead, key ppl join MS, tech and rest of the company bought for scraps. Non-profit part dead. Capitalist victory

Source: subjective interpretation/deduction based on the available info and my experience working as a management consultant for 10 years (dealing with lot of exec politics, though nothing this serious)

This is what I was thinking, my feed is now full of this guy. I knew him from Y combinator videos, smart guy and everything, but now terminally online stans will put him on their pedestal and simp for his AI genius - until of course all the shit he’s done reaches critical recognition, and the general sentiment will turn on him. Almost like we shouldn’t celebrate billionaire tech bros.

Unrecognized hand detected, device locked. Drink verification can!

Would this be worth it next to a PS5 and Series S?

I’m wondering if I could 1) buy games cheaper on Steam this way, and 2) play this while traveling (which I do a lot, meaning weekly flights and hotel stays in other countries for work),

LG OLEDs are amazing, worth the price. Their OS is also very good compared to other TVs, I used it for years without an outside player. Now I have an Apple TV, which is better, but I still miss the LG’s magic controller.