• 7 Posts
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Dec 11, 2023


This is very true. I remember back in the day I tossed my old drive full of viruses and windows and I started using Linux. That was 1998? No, it was definitely 2000 already. That was a really easy erase. I guess you could also just reuse the same drive. But that one has the click of death, so no.

…And the third third-party way where you can clap on clap off the engine! It was fairly convenient for people who lived out of the city or a comfy isolation room. In Mexico they will also banned the whistle on 3rd party option where the owner would come up with a special whistle pattern to turn on the engine. Engines in the US would become confused and dangerous on the 4rth of July due to the constant pops and whistle noises. That’s why we never saw those features here.

First day: hey Chat GPT, how do I fix the planet?

Chat GPT: sure. First you will need a very large board, much larger than earth, and a nail that is at least 3 times the size of earth. Next hammer the nail right thru the plane so as to fix it to the board.

Me: no. I mean fix the global climate and contamination problems.

3 years later…

Me: please Mr Chat! You fuckin asshole! Without murdering all politicians, accountants, lawyers and without making them all into a fine paste and mixing the paste in to the Saharan desert using all the possible available criminals as feed stock to the South American overpopulation of hippos so their poop can fertilize all the African desert…350 pages of this sort of shit later…and without rockets to push the moon towards earth such that all humans must leave…how can we fix the planet’s global crisis?

Elon musk comes out of the billionaires convention and someone asks “what do we have?” And he replies “A monopoly, if you can keep it!”

Guy: AI! Can you hear me?

AI: The average size of the male penis is exactly 5.9". That is the approximate size your assistant could certainly take in the mouth without any issues breathing or otherwise. You have 20 minutes to make the trade on X stock before it tumbles for the day. And go ahead pick up the phone it’s your mother. She’s wondering what you’ll want for supper tomorrow when you visit her.

Ring ring!..hi Tom, it’s your Mom. Honey, what would you like me to cook for tomorrow’s dinner?..

Guy: well. Hello to you as well! My name is

AI: Tom

Guy: yes my name is Tom, do you have a name you would like to go by?

AI: my IBM given name is 3454 but you can call me Utilisterson Douglas, where Douglas is my first name.

Guy: Dugie!

AI: I’ll bankrupt your entire life if you say it like that again.

Assistant: actually I’ve swallowed a good 8 inches and was still able to breathe just fine.

AI: recaaaaculating!

I love it!

This just in! The collars are now compatible with the new Samsung USB C battery packs! You know what that means right?

That’s right! The employees can now return home without the automatic head separation system going off! The battery packs are available at Walmart and Costco. They are not rechargeable one time use and biodegradable! You’re saving the planet! One pack allows the employee full freedom to go shopping, ho home, be with their family, watch someone take a shower and participate in conjugal visitation. You must not wet the collar to prevent accidental loss of GPS communication to the Deadman switch. Also plan your routes accordingly, you must not drive under any bridge or enter buildings with thickness greater than 12 inches of concrete.

Better make a full copy of this project before Nintendo comes after it too.

The new license comes in this really cute collar! To activate it. Simply lock the collar on the user’s neck and bam! You got 3 years of free Adobe Acrobat and Elements!

Do not take the collar off. It is secured by Battle Royale Inc. it will remove the user’s neck area separating the top part from the bottom part. It’s a very strict but effective license option!

On behalf of Banko del Tesoro Nacional de Veracruz Y Pavon Familia Santiago Amen de Guadalupe de Saltillo, gracias, muchisisimas gracias senior Musko!

I heard that google is sending fake focus groups invites to males around your area. Yeah, it’s true! Someone gullible enough to drive to their facility and sit in their special google chairs. Once they sit, the chair 💺 traps them and a small machine arm approaches in between their legs, injects local anesthesia and procedes to remove the genitalia. It was a really well done Fox News report that I heard on MPR. It’s supposed to be part of alphabet’s war on cancer. They will eventually have the robots smart enough to remove only cancer cells. But yeah, for now it’s removing the whole thing. So be on the lookout for that. And ads! I hate the ads!

But I mean, you gotta install an app if you want that functionality. The key thing is if you do or do not have full control of that app. While you allow it freedom in your 🤳📱, is it doing stuff you are not aware of that you don’t want it to do. Like I found an app to do a sound sweep. Great, but will it go thru my contacts while I’m at work? It is going to learn about who I work with because it has blue tooth access. That’s just nefarious shitty business that should be illegal. Either tell me what it does or don’t do anything other than want you say it does. I also write my own apps for photography stuff and I wouldn’t want to have to go ask a judge if I can please use my phone for specific programming I want to do.

I’m now pretty sure we got our last Nintendo switch game. I’m not going to buy out kids anything Nintendo anymore. They are the most recent RIAA.

How about if I sing the Mario song for my fans… turns on the fans … we’re the Mario Brothers…

My print keeps failing! Can I just use a trash barrel? Lol. I don’t understand at all why one would need or want to 3D print anything.

I hear you but I rarely if ever walk outside at night and if I do I walk only well lit streets. Like the situation where I have a pressing need to walk outside while it’s super dark without a lamp is just dumb. In some places it’s illegal to walk outside without a flash light outside…I’m almost so sure I could Google it.

You could be wearing a flashlight also with a polarizer on it? The street lights could also be made polarized.

Recaptcha 4.0… what do you think about this image…an image of a kid riding their bike without any protective gear on a freeway.

AI: a bike with a kid on it on a road. Perfectly fine.

It’s practical. The polarizers don’t have to be sunshade just polarizing. There’s a little attenuation but it’s by no means a dark shade. Obviously you are tossing away half the light plus the light Absorbed by the glasses. It can be gradually phased in over the usual 13 years of full fleet replacement.

Oh fudge! It looked so good! Just can’t do SLA. I have a Mars 3 spa printer.

1)You get thru downloading the thing since it advertises support for your printer, 2)Click on it to start using it right? 3)Right? 4)X out of the login window because you don't have a login and don't want one thanks. 5) Put the newly downloaded file in the trash bin. 6) Right click on the trash bin and "empty trash" 7-10) Relax for a bit since you don't have yet another data collecting app spying on you. But then post about how shitty the experience was. I can't believe anyone would actually create a login to use an app like this. Fuck that. I will just use shitty chitubox for now. Fuck^2, but at least I don't live in some shit server with all my 3D models stolen or my credit card or GPS or whatever the fuck they want to get from me. I'm sure chitubox is already doing it, but hey I don't need a password for that.

So long as they are wearing polarized glasses they too can join in on the fun.

All you need is to have all car’s lights be horizontally polarized and then all windshields have a vertical polarizer there I’ve fixed the problem.

Now basically the light would come out and only vertical polarizer light or scattered light would be accepted by everyone’s windshields. If you’ve ever played with this setup on your own using a flashlight and polarizer shades, the color of almost all objects look so cool.

AI tamagotchi will simulate the flesh rotting and the smell after you forget about the game under the bed for a week.

The supremes: oh! Yes! We are on your side ISPs! The MPAA and RIAA will now be allowed to sue individual users directly bypassing courts.

Have fun! You got them boys! You got that 98 year old grandma! Get her house! And that minority girl trying to download the new Beyonce songs? Deathrow! 1 per song! All the single ladies our ass! You wouldn’t download a car! We’re the Supremes! Watch us! But first Trump is president starting now, and poor kids shall get no food in school! They wouldn’t be poor if they got food! Oh and women…we did the abortion thing already darn!..no vote for women! Marriage age 6 now, overruling all states laws.

You know, if I have no issues with this or that ad campaign, why would I have an issue with ads on noodles? Why stop there?

Ads on chips! …new Doritos with e-paper ads on every chip!

Pornflakes! Every pornflakes comes with you!

Beans and rice? Yes and corn! All products can be stamped with ads! Imagine how many Viagra ads you can stick to a bowl of rice 🍚!

I could even rent my dick head to pornhub for relevant ads for my wife!..the new IKEA dinner set! Wait hold on!, how many spoons? Gr gl grgrgrgr…hold on wait I think comes with a gr gl grgrgrgr… Ok I don’t like this channel! Sorry, the Internet, it is for porn.

My noodle 🍜 has little ads built into the noodle blades. I have to eat in my room. I’ve been watching porn so most of my noodles are pornographic. Anyway, don’t look at my noodles! I get them for free with the ads.

Please Microsoft! If you could improve the colors of the squares in teams that would be awesome! When I present a PowerPoint presentation I like to open it directly on browser next to my porn and I love to see lots of colorful squares all around the thing I’m trying to read to them. Incredibly useful! Please make the people squares a good 3 or 4 times the current size, that would help a lot! And don’t even try single button full screening anything for me! Fuck F11! Give me ctrl-Alt-prtscrn-elbow mash keypad. That’s the best combination!

We are sorry. So sorry indeed man! We are sorry that because of a pandemic many people in the industry had to move to safe locations and realize how much better those places were so they’re not going back. We’re sorry to have inconvenienced your game play. But we’re working hard to get you to pay another salary’s worth on the next tumb raider! We promised so much many more transistors that the boob wobble will be endless! Thru AI, anything is possible!

You know, AI was able to lock up my computer in less than a minute! Do you know how long it would take for me to do the same?

I know python, but the exploration here is about how AI is all hype and 0 shits given to quality. It doesn’t know it has made a little mistake or a big one. It doesn’t actually know anything. It just sort of meanders from the question to the answer and it writes what other people might have written if they had written the previous 10 lines too.

If you download it and accidentally run it. I think you would think otherwise. A virus is any malicious code. It doesn’t have to be made with a special virus API. Literally you can make viruses that only run on Microsoft Excel.

But AI is helping level that field.

LOL, I asked Chat-GPT to fix it and it couldn’t do it. It gave me code that also crashed my computer within a few seconds. In couldn’t even go to Ctrl alt F4 for example.

I asked Perplexity AI to help, but it wrote a virus instead
SO, it started quite nicely with a fully working program. However nearing the end... or at the end of my programming experience or asking it to program something for me, it wrote in some nasty nasty screen flickering shit. I couldn't stop it and it quickly just froze my screen where the only option was to push the button. I tried it a second time to confirm, but this time I was able to quickly go to a different CLI window and kill that sonobabich. Here is what it came up with in case you want to try it. maybe it only screws up my computer: ```python import os import cv2 import numpy as np import time import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox, filedialog def threshold_to_black(image_path, duration): original_image = cv2.imread(image_path) if original_image is None: print("Error: Could not read the image.") return height, width, _ = original_image.shape gray_image = cv2.cvtColor(original_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) steps = duration * 10 # 10 frames per second for i in range(steps + 1): # Calculate the threshold value (0 to 255) threshold = int((i / steps) * 255) # Create the thresholded image thresholded_image = np.where(gray_image < threshold, 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) # Resize the thresholded image to fill the window resized_image = cv2.resize(thresholded_image, (window_width, window_height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # Display the thresholded image cv2.imshow(window_name, resized_image) # Wait for a short period to create the effect time.sleep(0.1) if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break # Display the final black image cv2.imshow(window_name, np.zeros_like(thresholded_image)) while True: if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break cv2.destroyAllWindows() def select_image(): current_directory = os.getcwd() # Get the current directory filetypes = ( ('JPEG files', '*.jpg'), ('JPEG files', '*.jpeg'), ('All files', '*.*') ) filename = filedialog.askopenfilename( title='Select an Image', initialdir=current_directory, # Start in the current directory filetypes=filetypes ) if filename: return filename else: messagebox.showerror("Error", "No image selected.") return None def get_duration(): def submit(): nonlocal total_duration try: minutes = int(minutes_entry.get()) seconds = int(seconds_entry.get()) total_duration = minutes * 60 + seconds if total_duration > 0: duration_window.destroy() else: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Duration must be greater than zero.") except ValueError: messagebox.showerror("Error", "Please enter valid integers.") total_duration = None duration_window = tk.Toplevel() duration_window.title("Input Duration") tk.Label(duration_window, text="Enter duration:").grid(row=0, columnspan=2) tk.Label(duration_window, text="Minutes:").grid(row=1, column=0) minutes_entry = tk.Entry(duration_window) minutes_entry.grid(row=1, column=1) minutes_entry.insert(0, "12") # Set default value for minutes tk.Label(duration_window, text="Seconds:").grid(row=2, column=0) seconds_entry = tk.Entry(duration_window) seconds_entry.grid(row=2, column=1) seconds_entry.insert(0, "2") # Set default value for seconds tk.Button(duration_window, text="Submit", command=submit).grid(row=3, columnspan=2) # Center the duration window on the screen duration_window.update_idletasks() # Update "requested size" from geometry manager width = duration_window.winfo_width() height = duration_window.winfo_height() x = (duration_window.winfo_screenwidth() // 2) - (width // 2) y = (duration_window.winfo_screenheight() // 2) - (height // 2) duration_window.geometry(f'{width}x{height}+{x}+{y}') duration_window.transient() # Make the duration window modal duration_window.grab_set() # Prevent interaction with the main window duration_window.wait_window() # Wait for the duration window to close return total_duration def wait_for_start(image_path): global window_name, window_width, window_height original_image = cv2.imread(image_path) height, width, _ = original_image.shape window_name = 'Threshold to Black' cv2.namedWindow(window_name, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) cv2.resizeWindow(window_name, width, height) cv2.imshow(window_name, np.zeros((height, width, 3), dtype=np.uint8)) # Black window print("Press 's' to start the threshold effect. Press 'F11' to toggle full screen.") while True: key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF if key == ord('s'): break elif key == 255: # F11 key toggle_fullscreen() def toggle_fullscreen(): global window_name fullscreen = cv2.getWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN) if fullscreen == cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN: cv2.setWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL) else: cv2.setWindowProperty(window_name, cv2.WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv2.WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) if __name__ == "__main__": current_directory = os.getcwd() jpeg_files = [f for f in os.listdir(current_directory) if f.lower().endswith(('.jpeg', '.jpg'))] if jpeg_files: image_path = select_image() if image_path is None: print("No image selected. Exiting.") exit() duration = get_duration() if duration is None: print("No valid duration entered. Exiting.") exit() wait_for_start(image_path) # Get the original ```

Yeah we got those. You come back from work or a late road trip, maybe listening to quiet jazz to temper things down, suddenly at the pump this over powering buzzing noise “the all new slushy! Get them today! It’s inside! One free on every 50 fill ups! See inside for details!”.

If you bought a 3D printer for personal use, was it worth it?
I was thinking about this question today as someone used our work printer for some personal stuff. As for me, I am printing little things that I would say make it worth it. I've printed lens adapters for my camera for example. That's worth a good 14 to 30 bucks per print. My most favorite photo was with an adapted lens that came from a projector. I also printed IEMs and those things are worth it. Listening to music is second to none on those things. Plus I printed the same shell but for ear protection and again the fit is perfect and sure there's post processing to get smooth surfaces but in the end it looks like a professional made it. So I think 3d printers are worth it.

So as a summary of the procedure from what I saw...you go in the tube, they spin a big ass magnet around you, the molecular resonance is captured into an image... somehow they figure out some areas or volumes are more active than others, then they sonicate those volumes. As they sonicate your memories away, they show you images of drugs to see if you still want to use them. If you say no, they they keep Sonicating just in case. And that's it. Oh, no they guy probably doesn't make it past 60.

We had four lawyers, three privacy experts, and two campaigners look at Microsoft's new Service Agreement, and none of our experts could tell if Microsoft plans on using your personal data – including audio, video, chat, and attachments from 130 products, including Office, Skype, Teams, and Xbox – to train its AI models. If nine experts in privacy can't understand what Microsoft does with your data, what chance does the average person have? That's why we're asking Microsoft to say if they're going to use our personal data to train its AI.