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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 09, 2023


Ohhhh… I was about to recommend some excellent and inexpensive retro games, but it turns out you mean vintage games.

Mortol is the game of the year. I got gold and cherry at the same time. I replayed each level 10-50 times to try to get the best runs I could. Ended the game with 150 lives. Played it for about 8 hours. I would have paid $10 for that game alone!

And I still have Mortol 2 to play!

I only recently learned about it and it’s genuinely fun! Jumping the balls gets stupidly hard at level 5 or 6, though.

You’re playing the wrong games if you think modern games are all the same. Buy a half decent mini PC, install Steam, and play indie games.

There are even a ton of retro games on Steam. Not vintage, but retro. New games with old school graphics and appeal, like The Messenger.

Fast forward in emulators. Also, the menu toggle in Retro Arch.

In Dungeons of Dredmor, an old mouse and KB roguelike, the community made a good layout where every button is mapped to a keyboard key to open the various inventory and crafting windows, etc. With the track pad right there to act as a mouse, it’s honestly just as good as a mouse and KB. Maybe even better.

It’s not, I assure you. It uses psychoacoustic properties of audio to simulate actual surround sound. I’ve been using it in gaming for years. You can literally hear when an enemy is behind you vs in front of you, and anywhere in the 360° around you. You can easily pinpoint their location in your head.

Pixel Buds Pro have this same kind of programming and you can enable it when watching surround sound content on your phone. You can even have it play regular audio but make it sound like it’s coming from the direction of the phone. When you turn your head, the audio follows the phone and it sounds like the audio is coming from the phone in 3D, not just panned L or R in stereo. (I haven’t played with this much, and I hope I’m not misremembering that last part which iPhone also has.)

Here’s a computer generated example using these techniques. Headphones are required! Listen to this with ordinary headphones with no additional spatial processing enabled.

To my ears, it sounds like the 3 channels of the source audio are little spheres rotating around the top of my head like a halo. The music sounds distinctly different when it’s behind me or in front of me. The distance away from my head is not far, though.


A technique like this will never be perfect, and this is not the best example I’ve heard. The best would be using my Logitech gaming headset in a game. It’s not perfect because everyone’s ears are shaped differently, and your brain learns the microtonal differences which your specific ears cause as sound echo’s around your outer ear and ear canal. This might be why I hear these music examples as above my head while others might hear it revolve directly around their ears or perhaps a little lower than their ears.

I enjoy how ignorant people who don’t understand a technology dismiss is with snark and get upvoted by others. Wait, what’s the opposite of enjoy?

It’s like how religious fundies with little education make fun of our best scientific theories with arguments that boil down to “I’m ignorant, so I don’t believe this”. Congratulations on being on the same level.

if you have a way to automatically edit the Google search URL, you can create your own defaults.

Firefox let’s you add arbitrary search URLs to its list of search engines.

More importantly, we need to stop ignoring criminal case eye witness’ hallucinatory testimony.

Without my glasses, I thought the thumbnail was some kind of ape. I blurred this screenshot a little to simulate.

AI generated images aren’t “deep fakes”. Deep fakes came out a long time before image gen did. You take an existing movie and swap out just the face.

Maybe they meant home computers, and that’s all most of their audience will picture in their heads, anyway. But yeah, not a very good computer historian.

The loudness wars were definitely a thing; you are correct. But that was a choice and not a limitation of the medium. Plenty of CDs were not produced that way. But that’s not what the OC was talking about. They were talking about down sampling, not dynamic range compression.

I can’t hear anything above 20 kHz, and neither can most people. CD audio is passed through a 20 kHz lowpass filter. It is then sampled at 44 kHz. Due to the Nyquist Shannon Spamling Theorum, when sound is digitally sampled at just above twice the rate of the source audio, converting it back to analog perfectly reproduces the original waveform. And I do mean perfectly. The exact same waveform. (The extra 4 kHz is to prevent artifacts in frequencies very close to 20 kHz.)

Therefore CD audio is perfect unless you think you can hear above 20 kHz. (Spoiler: you can’t) There are a few good YouTube videos on this topic, and the best ones are very mathy.

Is there something I’m missing? Do I need to educate myself some more?

Mega Man 2 has the most banger soundtrack.

Oh, and you might like Bit Brigade.


They have several Mega Man 2 shows online. One of the other shows might have better audio, but this one’s pretty good. They play the sound track while a speed runner plays the game. Their shows are awesome in person!

There’s a studio album you can buy.

I’ll fix your list for you. It doesn’t have any line breaks, and it has some typos.

  • Mike Tyson punches out Mega Man
  • Series-Mega
    • Man, 2 has the most banger soundtrack!
  • R-Type: Alpha
  • Mission RC Pro
  • I’m Ironman Ivan Stewarts
  • Off-road Super Sprint Double
  • Dragon Kung Fu /s

If you want markdown to preserve new lines you have to add two spaces at the end of each line before hitting Enter. Or just make a bulleted list, which is actually better in this case.

  • Mike Tyson’s punch out
  • Mega Man series- Mega Man 2 has the most banger soundtrack.
  • R-Type
  • Alpha mission
  • RC Pro Am
  • Ironman Ivan Stewart’s Off-road
  • Super sprint
  • Double Dragon
  • Kung Fu

Fallout 76 was a nice change of pace, graphically. It was crap gameplay at launch, but it sure was pretty. I wonder if it’s worth another playthrough now that it has human NPCs and raiders and such.

Hell, I don’t even know what platform I bought it on and if my account it still active.

Anyone downloading executable code from a random person on the internet needs to take a course in digital safety.

I assume you’re not being malicious, OXero0, but none of us can possibly know that.

For anyone thinking of downloading it, wait until the popular, vetted forks show up. If you don’t already have a working version, you don’t need it today.

This is called a VRIF, Voluntary Reduction in Force, and usually comes with a sizable severance. Lots of people close to retirement at my last job took the offer because it was worth it.

Always? I find it hard to believe that the very first TVs in the UK came with a coaxial antenna connection.

And of course we don’t still use them. This adapter is from the 1980s, when they were being phased out.

A “burner” account? Never heard it called that before. “Sock puppet” or just “puppet” makes much more sense.

Don’t limit your thoughts to just generative AI, which is what you are talking about. Chat bot and media generation aren’t the only uses for AI (by which I mean any trained neural network program that can do some sort of task.

Motor skills

AI can solve learn to solve the marble maze “Labyrinth” much, much faster than a human, and then speedrun it faster than any human ever has. Six hours. That’s how long it took a brand new baby AI to beat the human world record. A human that has been learning hand-eye coordination and fine motor control all of it’s life, with a brain which evolved over millions of years to do exactly that.

No special code needed. The AI didn’t need to be told how balls roll or knobs turn, or how walls block the ball. It earned all of that on the fly. The only special code it had was optical and mechanical. It knew it had “hands” in the form of two motors, and it knew how to use them. It also had eyes (a camera), and access to a neural network computer vision system. When the AI started taking illegal shortcuts, and they had to instruct it to follow the prescribed path, which is printed on the maze.

Robots could in work factories, mines, and other dangerous, dehumanizing jobs. Why do we want workers to behave like robots at a factory job? Replace them with actual robots and let them perform a human job like customer service.

Think of a robot that has actual hands and arms, feet and legs, and various “muscles”. We have it learn it’s motor control using a very accurate physics system on a computer that simulates its body. This allows the AI to learn at much faster speeds than by controlling a real robot. We can simulate thousands of robots in parallel and run the simulations much faster than real time. Train it to learn how to use it’s limbs and eyes to climb over obstacles, open doors and detain or kill people. We could replace police with them. Super agile robot cops with no racial bias or other prejudices. Arresting people and recording their crimes. Genuine benefit.

Computer Vision

AI can be trained to recognize objects, abstract shapes, people’s individual faces, emotions, people’s individual body shape, mannerisms, and gait. There are many genuine benefits to such systems. We can monitor every public location with cameras and an AI employing these tools. This would help you find lost loved ones, keep track of your kids as they navigate the city, and track criminal activity.

By recording all of this data, tagged with individual names, we can spontaneously view the public history of any person in the world for law enforcement purposes. Imagine we identify a person as a threat to public safety 10 years from now. We’d have 10 years of data showing everyone they’ve ever associated with and where they went. Then we could weed out entire networks of crime at once by finding patterns among the people they’ve associated with.

AI can even predict near future crime from an individual’s recent location history, employment history, etc. Imagine a person is fired from his job then visits a gun store then his previous place of employment. Pretty obvious what’s going on, right? But what if it happens over the period of two weeks? Difficult for a human to detect a pattern like this in all the noise of millions of people doing their everyday tasks, but easy for an AI. Genuine benefit.

Managing Production

With enough data and processing power, we can manage the entire economy without the need for capitalism. People’s needs could be calculated by an AI and production can be planned years ahead of time to optimize inputs and outputs. The economy–as it stands today–is a distributed network of human brains and various computers. AI can eliminate the need for the humans, which is good because humans are greedy and neurotic. AI can do the same job without either. Again, human’s are freed to pursue human endeavors instead of worrying about making sure each farm and factory has the resources it needs to feed and clothe everyone. Genuine benefit.


We will all be part of the same machine working in harmony instead of fighting over how to allocate resources. Genuine benefit!

I don’t know. Are you going to tell me the answer? I apologize for my ignorance.

A private jet is smaller and lighter. As long as it’s packed full of people, is it really less efficient? I don’t think the economics of jet size is necessarily intuitive, so, again, forgive my ignorance.

Bringing up cars is beside the point. Riding a bike would be even better! But we were talking about jet types.

Private, public. What’s the difference? She’s not flying in the plane alone, is she?

If you don’t receive the email containing the bomb threat because you banned the email domain, does the bomb really exist?

No! The bomb just goes away. Checkmate, terrorists.

Not needing AI isn’t the point. The point is that AI can do it, and AI doesn’t require a programmer to design and debug a bespoke algorithm to accomplish a task. It would take a human a lot longer than 6 hours to perfect an algorithm to do this.

Microsoft is the fucking worst with their trick questions and constant nagging.

They do this because they want you to use Edge which steals search results from other search engines.

Sure, but those are all things I’m sure she’d happily tell anyone she met. Just saying.

My favorite thing about some self checkouts is one big line for like 8 checkouts. You don’t have to gamble with who you get in line behind.