• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 09, 2023


Murder wouldnt stick, have to prove intent.

Negligent Homicide or Criminal Negligence on the other hand…

People underestimate govt jobs because nobody ever got rich doing them so everyone thinks the pay is shit. Its actually pretty good, benefits are good, its really hard to get fired if you genuinely try to do the job well, and usually a pretty strong union presence.

Australia has roughly the same land mass as the US and less than 10% of the population. So housing here outside of the state capitals is still somewhat affordable, but the situation is getting rapidly worse.

Thats a seperate part of the same problem. They already have private buyers beat on buying power, less supply doesnt hurt them at all.

So they are building these for the fun of it?

The more houses built the better supply gets, the better supply gets the more prices will drop. Every one of these thats built and someone in the inner city scrapes together the cash to buy in suburbia frees up an apartment.

If we dont build more demand will just keep outstripping supply more and more.

Lemmy: Man fuck housing developers!

Also Lemmy: Man I cant find a house!

Edit: Yes affordability is the problem, but if demand keeps outrunning supply the situation will NEVER improve. The only way landlords will start to bring their prices down is when the tenant is the one with options.

Yeah, Ill just tell the whole suburb that they dont get any services from the city anymore. Not a problem champ.

Theres a newish neighbourhood near me with a high percentage of reasonably cashed up retired people… nice houses with 2 car garages on small blocks. Every other house has a caravan or a boat and they almost all park them on the street.

Some of the streets have been effectively reduced to one lane in both directions, sure its legal but its a giant pain in the balls to get around.

I feel like chainsaw juggler is a better joke because it implies how bender came to be in possession of a severed arm. Like “why does he have a severed… oh… lol”

Does anyone have any Jonsbo VR1 parts?
Im doing a custom case with a Jonsbo Vr1 I picked up super cheap. Im after the screws for the glass sides specifically but if anyone in Australia has one Id be interested in picking up a whole case.

My wife has one and she fills the bastard up with ice and then puts chilled water in first thing in the morning, the narrow bottom means it fits in the cars cupholders, we can run errands all day in Australia in summer and theres still Ice clinking in the bastard at the end of the day.

They work.

Yeah this is so much worse than 5yo kids working in coal mines a hundred years ago.

Sure its not exactly ideal, but if this is a kid whose parents own the franchise and he is legally working and being paid at the family business its better than him being left at home on the xbox.

I dont use it, but did they bundle any other software in or add any features that would justify the use of the word “rebalancing” or is it just plain old fashioned corporate bullshit?

Yeah this is pretty absurd.


If my boss goes into my locker and lifts $100 from my wallet the same thing happens to him as if I take it from the till. If he fucks up my pay he can shrug and say it was an honest mistake. Same as how I have a garage full of the sorting tubs we use at work for organising things because I “accidentally” brought them home with work in them and “forgot” to bring them back.

Yeah I fully expect to see genre specific LLMs that have a subscription fee attatched squarely aimed at hobbies and industries.

When I finally find my new project car I would absolutely pay for a subscription to an LLM that has read every service manual and can explain to me in plain english what precise steps the job involves and can also answer followup questions.

Knock Knock. (Short story)
The managers offices have windows that look out onto the main floor, I'm a training officer and sometime supervisor so although I look in the windows before I go in I'm generally "read in" on anything going on so If the doors closed I dont pay it much mind unless the boss is having a closed door with a staff member. I went to walk in the door and got it half open before the facility manager bodily slams it closed. He looks out the window and sees its me, and says "Learn to knock!" gives me some paperwork to chase up. 3 minutes later I come back with paperwork, he is sitting there back to the window... with his coffee. I made eye contact with the other supervisors and went full cheshire cat. I waited till he lifted his cup and I closed fist pounded on that door like I had a fucking warrant. He came about 3 inches out of his chair and wore the whole cup.

No fucking idea, we’re all paid hourly. Some people like to flex on the others “I did 200 in 6 hours” and some really dont want to do overtime. Some also want to smash through their work and go grab a coffee and play with their phone for 2 hours.

I can jump on anyones route, go do their workload slowly and methodically and get back within an hour of clock off. You have to properly take the piss to get dragged into the bosses office.

Yeah thats all I’m saying, that even IF your only goal is to improve safety they absolutely work. If you’re also looking to micromanage, slavedrive and violate your staffs privacy you can use them for that too, but thats on you not to be evil.


However I do work for a company that has in vehicle cameras and DEAR GOD does it cut down on incidents. We kept having issues with drivers just doing dumb little things to try and save time. like knocking the shifter into neutral and pulling on the handbrake instead of pressing the button on the shifter and moving it into park. Just to be clear, the company has a really lax time/delivery expectation. If you work at a safe, reasonable pace and dont fuck up nobody gets upset with you. But senior management did the math that each driver had to drag out an extra 2 hours a day for it to cost us more than what we spent on compo/vehicle repairs the year before. Once the van had a camera, we saw a 70% reduction in incidents in the following 12 months.

A really great hack for retro gamers who dont want to have a CRT tv hanging around the house is buy a cheap 1080p projector and project it onto an unprepped painted wall. The slight blur and bleed really smooths everything out.

I bought all those rerelease retro consoles and Metal Slug on a 3 meter screen is pretty badass.

This is what fucks me off so bad. Tell me what I’m worth as a datapoint, and if I want to pay that directly to be left the fuck alone I should be able to.