• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Well Thread has practically boxed itself in as a secondary protocol, so I think you’re safe there. Sonoff adapters do both Zigbee AND Zwave I believe, and then you can tie it all together with HA add-ons, so I think you’re fine.

Are you on Zigbee or Zwave? It’s hard to tell from your post. You may have hit the limit of either network being effective for an aging hub, or the distance between telays. The hardware of the hub itself is probably fine as there aren’t any moving parts in it.

As far as what to move to, HA is capable of being the “hub”. You don’t need a separate piece of hardware as the coordinator, just an adapter that talks to whatever devices you have. Get a dongle that speaks whatever you have, and there is an HA add-on for it.

For the future, I’d start thinking about moving over to Matter. It’s got the biggest uptake, HA is already working with the devices flawlessly, and the devices themselves can be managed by remote coordinators if that becomes a need for you. I’m not sure what Samsung is committing to for the future as far as Smarthings in general.

Also, if you’re moving off the Smarthings hub, I don’t think there is a simple migration tool for already existing devices in HA bound to an external hub, but maybe someone else here knows. You’ll probably end up having to redo everything piece by piece.

We didn’t have no Innernette back in my day, young virgin. Nobody here is lame enough to care for your false overconfidence.

From what I remember, this wasn’t even a very good game. ‘SOtN’ and the DS games were much more memorable and fun.

Depends on what version you jumped to from the previous. It almost certainly wasn’t a minor update, because you would have gotten a million warnings about deprecating arguments in templates.

As long as the sockets have the power from the original switches left on, any kind of wireless bulb and switch would work. The switches then control the bulbs, not the actual power circuit. Just make sure to get brands you know will work with HA if you plan to tie the switches into the system.

Sure there is! Look through the docs and make some test requests you can check with Curl or Python, and break down what is taking so long. Maybe have a look at the logs as a first step and see if there aren’t some warnings or errors that may point you in the right direction as well. Double check all your URL endpoints and check to ensure https and auth is all set properly. Lots of ways to attack it.

Don’t give up!

Well the docs say it syncs about (weird phrasing there) every 15 minutes, so what you’re getting from HA is actually cached and served from the HA instance. It’s not just proxying comms to the calendars.

If you’re seeing something different, you may need to check your logs and see what the issue is, but the process as defined here stores everything locally in HA, and pulls down changes every 15m, which should also be configurable.

So you want to make a caldav instance that pulls in three calendars, then syncs to one? You could script this pretty simply, or maybe just create another account on Proton or Google or something that subscribes to these others, then sync from that one. Seems more complex than just using a single instance for all your calendar needs though.

I’m not sure I’m getting the gist of your questions, but as far as POE goes, if the device is designed to accept it, it will work at the negotiated PD voltage without problems, but you need a legit POE injector or switch.

If you’re saying there is some “other” 12V power you’re planning on running over different Cat6 cables, I don’t understand why you’d want to do that.

Any NES that runs on Linux works. I play this game every so often, actually. Just install Retroarch to make it easy.

It’s like they shockingly didn’t think people would ever realize they didn’t need it.

Downvote all you want. If your entire business or personal model includes stealing content from other people, then you need to rethink that.

He privatized and fired the board, remember? Nobody else inside to hold him accountable for being a non-stop fuckup.

To be fair, it was never “hidden” since all the top 5 decided that GPU was the way to go with this monetization.

Guess who is waiting on the other side of this idiocy with a solution? AMD with cheap FPGA that will do all this work at 10x the speed and similar energy reduction. At a massive fraction of the cost and hassle for cloud providers.

That’s the difference between the Home and Pro versions though. The things that generally break on the Home versions are all the things not generally enabled on a domain controlled Pro version. Thisbis more about Microsoft just being bad at small updates versus these giant roundup packages they like to ship.

I would assume so? All their other stuff is Zigbee, and it’s got a huge following.

Why would anyone want this? Maybe they are forcing Chinese nationals to buy them and inflate their popularity as a product for Papa CCP.

I doubt it’s for their fun headset since they’ve already abandoned it. I’m sure it’s going to be taking data for mapping or some other dumb bullshit with AI to describe what’s around you because you can’t fucking use your eyes.

Apple is so bad now. Ugh.

Yep. That was a property from the Master System and Game Gear that got a 3D revamp for DC, but don’t think it was really very popular to begin with, so naturally wasn’t a huge selling point.

That’s the best time to market. They simply didn’t have the big IP that Nintendo and Sony had been marketing at the time. Sega at that time led with Sonic - as they always do - and then a few properties that were really fun and original, but required an expensive console to even try and get aquatinted with.

This is not even bringing up the prior hardware failures they had launched. They just miscalculated on the popularity of Sonic globally. It’s not enough to get people with consoles that are working just fine and still have years of games to come to switch.

No idea who this is, but I can already tell my the fake getup that I do not care to look up whatever persona this guy thought was entertaining. Streamers are terrible.

It’s really just for tinkering at this point, or cheap build systems I guess. There’s some small edge cases where the existing instruction set will beat ARM or x86, but they’re very niche. Eventually it’s expected to be a contender to the more optimized stuff we see in ARM chips these days.

Well, the BSOD without a reboot should have been the giveaway. The keyboard clicking noises should have been another.

Light sensor threshold, and a rule to trigger the blinds. Pretty simple.

Assist, wildcards, and Dynamic Intents.
Let me just give the simplest explanation of my intended outcome here: I want to use Assist to speak "Play {Album} by {Artist} in {Room name}", and have it "just work". The Speech to text triggers aren't an issue, but the Intents are. Checking the [built-in Intents](https://github.com/home-assistant/intents/tree/5844e8dd8bf7f44659f47aa1ef99ac64d7b6fda1/sentences/en) has been of no use. The [custom sentence docs ](https://www.home-assistant.io/voice_control/custom_sentences/)only really handle the first part of the equation. So say I want to work this out with a local NAS mount where everything is categorized as Artist/Album in the directory structure, does anyone have any pointers or links that may be helpful?