Just your average friendly neighbourhood radical.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I thought the halo ce was generally very well received.

So was a whole bunch of other FPS tripe that glorified USian militarism.

Yeah, it does. They gave Half-Life’s spot to that crappy game.

You know, in some ways, I appreciate Musk. He has gone out of his way to demonstrate, for all to see, how billionaire parasites get to fail upward no matter how irredeemably incompetent and vile they happen to be.

Scumwads like gates and Bezos hides it all behind walls of pr propaganda, but not Musk.

I wonder what a cyberguillotine would look like.

I’d say that capitalism merely treating climate change as simply something else to manage for fun and profit is very dystopian.

Artificial intelligence is worse than humans in every way

As if capitalists have ever cared about that…

crystal ball

The nature of capitalism and the capitalist class haven’t been a secret now for more than a hundred years. No crystal balls required.

he might have done something worthwhile

No, he wouldn’t have. Musk is an incompetent billionaire parasite, even more incompetent than the average billionaire parasite, and would have simply squandered his ill-gotten money on something else.

I remember when I was growing up,

You remember propaganda (when corporations do it, it’s called “Public Relations”).

That’s what you remember. Now, thanks to the internet democratizign information somewhat, they don’t just get to feed us their “public relations” anymore. Now people can counter that shit, and people see them for what they really are - parasites.

It’s capitalism, baby. Welcome to the real world.

It really amuses me that everybody in the US is obsessively frightened at the prospect of an incompetent capitalist nepobaby “bringing fascism to America” while being completely oblivious to all the taxpayer-funded fascism they can literally see stalking the very streets around them.

Nope. Not according to wikipedia, anyway.

Apparently, the people who criticized labelling Homan Square as a “black site” did so on the basis that what was going on there was actually business as usual for the CPD all over Chicago. Ie, it’s a shitton worse than just Homan Square.

How on Earth is genocide moral?!?!

It’s been “moral” since (so-called) “western civilization” decided it was “moral.”

Surely the people who lied to us about Israel for the last sixty years won’t lie to us about another country, right?



It’s almost like pathologically fetishized “growth” (perpetually fetishized by the rich and their trained sycophants in the media, that is) is completely disconnected from the socio-economic condition of the majority of people on this planet.

Doesn’t pledging allegiance to a piece of colored fabric count as “worshipping a false idol?”

You know… considering they’ve got that whole ten commandment thing coming and all.

Oh look… Apartheid-boy is moving his company to a more overtly white supremacist location and blaming his daughter for it.

I am so surprised.

Especially since directly bombing civilians wasn’t something generally practiced by the allies


The mass-slaughter of civilians from the air became SOP for the allies by about 1943. The firebombings of cities like Dresden and Tokyo is still some of the most heinous mass-atrocities in modern history - if not all history. This secret is out of the bag - the (supposed) “military value” of these targets was secondary to the mass-slaughter of civilians - and the architects of these atrocities (like Curtis LeMay) wasn’t shy about bragging about it, either.

And the US did even worse during the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

Just capitalism playing along with genocide - no different than they did seven decades ago.

It’s not an assault or an attack - it’s a modern-day sacking.

The only modern history equivalents to this is the infamous “Rape Of Nanjing” and the liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto.

Hell, a while ago France24 wasn’t even using the terms “Israel” or “IDF” in any of it’s reporting on the sacking of Gaza - they were literally pretending the bullets, bombs and missiles was being fired and dropped by some unknown party.

The fact that there are any “proud Americans” shows what a joke the subject of history must be in US high schools.

a very valuable window of opportunity…

Because that turned out so well during the Cold War.

Maoist rocket says, “Fuck your imperialist and capitalist clamps” and commits revolutionary suicide.

The Government™ has made an ad about the existential threat that AI poses to humanity, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative

tech has nothing to do with him being a piece of shit,

We don’t call tech bros tech bros because they’re technical. We call them tech bros because they are pieces of shit.

TV Tropes has the best description of them.

A Tech Bro is someone connected with the technology and business industry; cultivating an image of intelligence mixed with money, counterculture attitude and social savvy. Whether they are actually hip, business literate, anti-authority or even intelligent in any form depends on the individual. Their goal is to charm investors into funding their project, so some degree of false presentation is necessary. Typically they are young men in their twenties and early thirties, insisting on casual clothing, shaggy hair and Perma-Stubble. Some of them are keen on partying and getting up to wacky hijinx, and are easily distracted during business meetings. Their speech is a blend of Technobabble and corporate buzzwords designed to attract investors, self-promoting at every opportunity. They see themselves as leaders, even visionaries, and they want you to know it.

And Apartheid tech bro up there is their god.

edit: I have to mention that I have no idea where anyone gets the idea that tech bros are in any way “countercultural” or “anti-authoritarian” - I’ve never seen a tech bro that’s anti-capitalist, which means they are as drenched in the politics of bootlicking as the rest. I guess the only difference is that they perceive themselves to be deserving of having their boots licked - despite the fact that they will happily lick the boots of Musk, Gates and the rest themselves.

Activists don’t need the personal information of people they disagree with.

Speak for yourself. If you believe that intelligence work is beneath you, the other side has already won.

The people that are desperately clinging onto the hope that this is any kind of victory needs a reality check.

In the extremely unlikely scenario that he actually gets jail time they’ll be high-fiving him all the way in - and you better know that any parole hearing he’s going to get (which will probably be sooner rather than later) will be staffed by people who think exactly the same way he does.

Hierarchy is the bedrock of reactionary politics - and it doesn’t get any more hierarchical than the (so-called) “justice system.”

A bad union is still worse than no union - though I wouldn’t want to be quoted on that.

stuff is just worse blatantly reverse engineered copies

The reason they only had reverse-engineered copies is because the bigwigs at the CPSU decided that the workers didn’t need personal computers, despite the fact that all the computer research facilities in the USSR (of which there were plenty) recommended that they do.

If the USSR had thrown it’s weight behind personal computing we could have had some interesting shit.

So… instead of a conman cosplaying as a fascist, you might be getting a pig - someone well-versed in the business of fascism.

This just keeps getting better and better.

This strategy of the government calling every troublesome minority ethnic group anywhere “terrorists”

It’s just colonialist warfare with a “terrorism” narrative laid on top to make it sound more politically correct.

Sooo… just more of what the IDF has been doing since 1948, then.

So, again… where’s the problem?

Is there a reason you want to preserve a genocidal white supremacist settler-colonialist state?

using repeated beatings, electric shocks, threats of execution, prolonged stress positions and mock execution. Over half of them were subjected to sexual violence,”

Sooo… basically just how the Russian military treats it’s conscripts in general.

A recently released Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) document titled “Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide”* links common protest symbols to “terrorism” — another marker in a common theme of conflating militant protest for social justice with deadly terrorist violence within the United States. Groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and the Brennan Center have raised warnings about such documents, citing inadequate protections for people’s constitutional rights.

Here’s a laundry list of the kinds of places Israel has bombed over the last decade - just to put the recent tidal wave of propaganda efforts in regards to Israel's actions into perspective.