
It’s like everyone’s opinion is “my tribe is always right and deserves all the sympathy, the other tribe is always wrong and deserves all the suffering”. No one cares about solutions or examining why a conflict has persisted for 80 years. Humans are so predictable.

I think it’s older than 80 years. I recall reading about old men spitting at each other over rights to fuck the prettiest goat in Mesopotamia way before Churchill took a shit.

deleted by creator

The irony in this post is palpable.


I wish two groups of people determined to kill each other could take it away from the civilian population, to say nothing of using human shields and attacking irrespective of potential collateral damage and non combatant deaths

Ann Archy

Humans are manipulable, especially in large numbers. Humans are violent, but not irrational. It takes convincing for that.

People are absolutely irrational, especially in groups

Didn’t K say a person is smart, people are dumb. Something along those lines.

MIB was a great movie

Enlightened, middle-ground centrist. We found you.

Judging from the comments, we can go lower.

“Truly this is the bottom”

Conservatives everywhere brandishing shovels: “Challenge accepted”

Someone just called this post “pearl clutching” in this very thread. We’re fucked.

The bottom so far


Does no one remember the 1 million innocent Iraqis we killed based on a lie?

I would argue that is the most recent rock bottom we have come to since world war II.

We bombed people in their homes relentlessly. They were not going after military targets, it was an indiscriminate slaughter of mostly innocent people. Hundreds of thousands of children.

We have committed genocide purely for profit and power, very recently. Remember that when our government tries to defend Israel’s actions. They are following our playbook.

There have been leaked conversations from Israeli officials stating that the war between them and Hamas helps them maintain power over Israeli citizens. They are creating more terrorists on purpose to leverage control over their people. What else happens when your family gets eradicated in a bombing? You go after those that are responsible, and joining Hamas is the easiest route to exact your revenge on those who killed your family.

That study was pulled for being ridiculous. The Iraq Body Count Project estimates 7300 civilian deaths over a far larger operations area, with far more forces involved, March 21 to May 1.


There’s not a lot to discuss really…both sides are utterly evil. One side used women and babies as a shield, the other side pulled the trigger.

Both actions are indefensible and pure evil.


The way you phrase it poses an impossible dilemma for Palestinian resistance. Non-violent resistance is outlawed and slaughtered (anti-BDS law, massacre of the Great March of Return, assassinations of peace activists, international smear campaigns, etc.). Violent resistance is impossible on equal standards as Israel maintains air superiority over occupied Palestine - separate infrastructure would be bombed. So we have a ghettoized population, under siege, under blockade, under air monitoring. What option is left for them? Hidden military infrastructure, tunnels, arms smuggling - and this all gets immediately condemned.

We try to hold these populations to the standards of international law - but morally, the abstraction starts to break down. It’s easy for a country like the U.S. to abide by some of these standards on the surface - we can have exposed military infrastructure, because we have SAM sites, we have intercontinental ballistic missiles, first-class fighter jets, etc. We’ve heard plenty about the perspectives that purport to justify the Israeli/U.S. offensive, that seem on the surface to make our military efforts legitimate. But (from the media at least) we rarely hear about the narratives in support of the opposing side - 75 years of ethnic cleansing, land theft, crushing military occupation, siege, perfidy, random massacres and apartheid. They have a legitimate cause and grievances. So we have to actually consider what avenues of recourse are even available to them to pursue that cause. Otherwise we’re essentially just telling them to “quiet down and die”. On the broader scale, it’s like saying, it’s forbidden to punch while you’re lying on the ground, while you tackle somebody and beat them to death.

That being said, of course certain things are both war crimes and not essential to resistance - i.e., killing unarmed civilians - to whatever extent Hamas militants actually did engage in this (we know they killed some, and we know the IDF killed some as well - as well as the 13-20k+ civilians Israel has killed at this point).

And this is not to give credence to Israeli claims of repurposing, either. The standard under international law is to prove that each individual peace of infrastructure is actively being used for military purposes, and that its strategic value outweighs the casualties from shelling it, and Israel has not been meeting that standard overall by any metric.

Demanding an evacuation of a hospital full of patients, under the threat of bombardment, only for those patients to die of complications for not being treated, this is just a more silent mass murder.

It would be cool if Hamas didn’t fire rockets from the vicinity of schools of hospitals though wouldn’t it?

There’s definitely no possibility that Israel does stuff like that and then blames it on its enemies to justify its actions. No way.

LMAO, wait, your argument is that Hamas doesn’t use human shields, and it’s all Israeli propaganda?

Hamas has been openly, proudly discussing their use of the Palestinian civilians a human shields for… Basically forever.

This isn’t unique to Hamas, it’s a common trait of all jihadist groups. Innocent victims are rewarded for their faith in heaven, and evil victims are punished in hell. So I’m their warped mind there’s no moral consequence for murdering or endangering civilians. Please let that sink in before you continue to support them.

These two points are not antithetical.

It would be cool if the counter battery from a highly technical country hit the rockets instead of collapsed the building. Which is entirely possible.

To people saying it’s justified because Hamas are hiding there, if Hamas wants to kill as many Israelis as possible they could hide in a Israeli hospital and the IDF, being consistent, would bomb it just the same since it now became a military target. Right?

Yeah, you know they wouldn’t, not the same way at least. Somehow Palestinians are an acceptable collateral while Israeli, specially Jews, would never be. That’s how you know this isn’t about Hamas.

Very good point! I will steal it and pretend I’m as smart as you

Who would think that in a war, the people opposing you would be treated differently than your own people? This is the reality of war and not specific to this conflict.

You think Israel would just let them take one of their hospital in the first place ? Why would that happen in the first place ? There would be an immediate military intervention , before they are deeply embedded

In Palestine tho, hamas does what it wants. And nobody is there to stop them. So they already are in the hospitals, and in the streets leading to hospital, and watching the neighborhood where those are.

Can’t tell if you’re just trying to sound ironically dumb or not?

Israel would storm it’s own hospital with troops as would any other country. Bombs were used in Gaza before there was security on the ground. Dropping special forces off in the middle of Hamas held territory would turn into Black Hawk Down 2

I don’t think your comparison holds up as the double standard you think it is. Isreal have been bombing locations that potentially hold their own civilians being held as hostages.

It’s amazing that people are even questioning taking out Hamas… Do they actually not understand that the reason the children are in danger is because they have hesitated when Hamas has done this in the past - using the children as human shields?

What kind of absolute sociopath would trade the thousands of lives Hamas will take if they’re allowed to live, just because they use the world’s humanity against it?

When it costs one life to save millions and there is no choice because the evil Hamas has set this price, it must be paid.

Shame on Hamas for putting these children in danger. May they rot in hell for their horrifying, demonic and evil sin.

Look at how many Palestinians have been killed vs Israelis. Just look at the numbers. What kind of psychopath is willing to kill even more people who have been being killed and oppressed for almost a century?

If this is a justification you accept for this level of violence from Isreal, then you can’t argue against anything Hamas has done without being a hypocrite.

And on a purely emotionless evaluation of the numbers, this kind of response from Isreal hasn’t worked for 80 years, but they keep killing innocent people. Maybe it’s time to try something else. Unless of course that’s not actually the reason.

To be clear, if some criminal has human hostages you’re fine if the building they are in is torched?

Curious to know if you think shooting down United 93 on 9/11 would have been the right thing to do or not? (had the US Airforce got there in time). What say you?

To be clear, if some criminal has human hostages you’re fine if the building they are in is torched?

You are the seventh person to not answer the question…

Will the criminals take more hostage if we don’t act? Are the hostage takers willing to return the hostages safely? Is it feasible to attempt a rescue operation that doesn’t just put many more at risk? Does this criminal organization’s continued existence have a human life cost to it?

So you think it’s okay to burn down a hospital if it means stopping Hamas? Even if the hospital has babies in incubators?

Remind me, what was plastered on ads and social media from Israel earlier last month? Something about dead babies… what was it again?

I feel the same way about billionaires. March them all to the guillotine.


"WHY DID YOU MAKE ME DO THIS? Your fighting, so you watch everyone around you die, THINK MARK, you’ll outlast every fragile, insignificant being on this planet. You’ll live to see this world crumble to dust and BLOW AWAY!

Everyone, and everything you know, WILL BE GONE… WHAT WILL YOU HAVE AFTER 500 YEARS?"

You sound like Marks Dad…

Shame on Israel for treating a people the way they have for so long so that the only outcome could be Hamas.

If you torture an animal and it bites, who’s to blame? People like you have a very short term memory it seems, unwilling to look at how this situation was brought about.

You cannot treat people the way Israel has treated them and then get up in arms when you meet resistance.

If you kill the babies who tf is going to continue the fighting over this worthless desert for another century?? SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!

That “tunnel” opening looked a lot like a manhole/drainage, too.

Anybody else starting to think Israel has probably bombed its hostage victims?

Nah. We got several floors below this one, miss. You must be new here. Next floor?


Are those the floors the terrorists were hanging out or were those the floors they found the hostage bodies on?

Can’t keep track these days.

Whatever fits their current narrative.

And if it turns out that the accusation Hamas was using the basement as a command post is true, is that the new bottom?

Still not a good reason to kill babies…

I would resign on the spot if I ever got an order like that. I don’t care if Nazis are resurrecting Hitler in the basement of the hospital, I can’t trade babies and children as acceptable collateral.

Using the hospital for anything other than helping people is a bottom. They are both trash entities.

Both are trash but one has been killing for decades…

On the false preposition that an air duct is hiding Hamas.

That’s because apparently someone decided, without discussion, that setting military headquarters in a hospital - where babies are born - is absolutely fine and moral move.

Putting aside the lack of evidence of this, and the Israeli government’s history of being caught lying about this kind of thing, how many civilians is it defensible to kill per Hamas militant, and does the calculus change if they’re children?

…or are we taking the super credible IDF line and saying the infants are Hamas militants?

Putting aside existing evidence for it

There isn’t a specific count. Just like there is no count for “how many Russian civilians has to die for each Ukrainian soldier”. Israel didn’t ask this war, Hamas did. Hamas is in charge of Gaza, not Israel.

I must have missed the part of the Geneva Conventions that says, “unless they started it.”

Oh wait, no I didn’t. Because it’s not fucking there.

You understand that the Israeli government funded Hamas over the PLO, don’t you? Netanyahu signed the death warrant on his own citizens to create the pretext for the genocide he’s now accelerating - Netanyahu and the Israeli government did ask for this war.

Okey that is a valid argument! Second one in a dozen of comments or so

Yes i know this mofo funded hamas and hope he ll pay for it. However, the attack on 7 October happened on Israeli territory, not the opposite. That’s still a “defensive operation” in my understanding.

I really don’t like this argument (defensive genocide? Come on.), but it’s one for Palestine in any case - look at the Israeli operation of Palestine as an open air concentration camp, and look at the casualty stats - between a dozen and five hundred Palestinian casualties per Israeli casualty, depending on your datasource and the way you slice it. This would justify the 7 October attack as defensive - which they weren’t.

Again, if you combine all that with the fact what Israel have backed the IDF, and the fact that Israel are a nuclear power with an advanced military, and f35s (compared to a paraglider and small-arms) how do you conclude that this is defensive?

I reject your second argument: the fact that one army is light years ahead of their opponent does not automatically make «offensive» whatever they do, nor does it mean that the advanced army should not fight at all. Good for them to be advanced

Regarding your first point, and the fact that there are so many civil victims for so «few» Israeli victims: agreed there are many. With some gotchas:

  • a non zero number of those civilians are only «civilians» because Hamas said so. It is a known fact they count their own fighters as «civilians». I do not deny that there are indeed, true civil victims. Israel has a record of letting people know where they attack in advance, so they do have some good will credit.
  • When you have a terrorist nest, next to your house, I think it’s pretty sensible to go in, and reduce their capacity to do harm. Most comments here reject even the fact that Israel had a right in first place to even enter the Gaza. I do believe they have total right to do so.
  • a genocide is a deliberate killing of civilians. Only Hamas deliberately targets civilians. IDF obviously could take more care in avoiding unnecessary death, but they don’t kill for fun as much as I know
  • It strikes to me that not as much pressure is put on Hamas for taking care of their citizen as it is on Israel. Hamas is ruling there, maybe Gaza’s citizens should somehow be involved in solving their problems?

I am not here to justify every death of every kid in Gaza, but I do say that Israel was provoked, and we are in «find out» phase of «fuck around», and yes, I reject the notion of «genocide»


a genocide is a deliberate killing of civilians. Only Hamas deliberately targets civilians. IDF obviously could take more care in avoiding unnecessary death, but they don’t kill for fun as much as I know

Genocide is any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Sure seems like Israel is trying to get a full bingo card on this one even if you reject the notion of «genocide».

And before you go for the “intent” get out of jail free card…

Israel’s Public Diplomacy Minister: "Erase all of Gaza from the face of the earth. That the Gazan monsters will fly to the southern fence & try to enter Egyptian territory or they will die & their death will be evil.

Gaza should be erased!"

Still questioning a genocidal intent?

How about Bibi Netanyahu saying “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible. 1 Samuel 15:3 ‘Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass’," .

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant called residents of Gaza, about half of whom are children, “human animals” as he ordered a “complete siege” on the enclave including a total blockade of food, fuel, and electricity.

Former military officer Eliyahu Yossian said the IDF must enter Gaza “with the aim of revenge, zero morality, maximum corpses,” and toldChannel 14 in Israel on Monday that “there is no population in Gaza, there are 2.5 million terrorists.”

Earlier this year, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said at an event in Paris, “There’s no such thing as Palestinians because there’s no such thing as a Palestinian people.” He also said the West Bank town of Huwara should be “wiped out” by “the state of Israel,” while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented a map of what he called “The New Middle East”—without the illegally occupied West Bank, Gaza, or East Jerusalem—at the United Nations General Assembly just weeks before the onslaught in Gaza began.

Sure seems like a pattern of intent. I could find you that video of Bibi back in 2002 saying much the same if you like. This isn’t new.

the fact that one army is light years ahead of their opponent does not automatically make «offensive» whatever they do, nor does it mean that the advanced army should not fight at all. Good for them to be advanced

It speaks to their moral culpability, the irrelevance of Hamas’ genocidal intent, and the indefensible lack of proportionality in their response. I’m a 6’7" grown-ass man. If a 2 year old kicks me in the shin, after I’ve locked them in a cage and poked them aggressively with a stick, me beating their skull to a paste isn’t a defensible response - same applies to Israel.

a non zero number of those civilians are only «civilians» because Hamas said so. It is a known fact they count their own fighters as «civilians». I do not deny that there are indeed, true civil victims.

Similarly, Israel has been caught lying about who is a Hamas militant (they’re also making claims that every Palestinian is Hamas) - I don’t think you’re dumb or bad faith enough to argue this is at a level that changes things, so unless you’re going to argue otherwise, there’s not a point to engage here.

Israel has a record of letting people know where they attack in advance, so they do have some good will credit.

“Sure - I bombed all those schools, but I called on a bomb threat on a few of them first, so aren’t I really the good guy?” No.

When you have a terrorist nest, next to your house, I think it’s pretty sensible to go in, and reduce their capacity to do harm.

Can you define terrorist in a way that implicates Palestine and not Israel? I ask because Israel is killing far more innocent civilians than Hamas in addition to indiscriminately fucking over Palestine by cutting movement, trade, water, power, and rendering it uninhabitable with deadly consequences.

a genocide is a deliberate killing of civilians.

You’re disagreeing with the UN definition

Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

Only Hamas deliberately targets civilians.

No. Even if this were true, how many civilians are they killing per militant? 100:1? Knowing the proportion of kids killed is pretty squarely in line with the broader population, what makes you think they’re targeting Hamas? They’ve also killed 100 journalists and 48 aid workers. This is indefensible - please don’t try.

It strikes to me that not as much pressure is put on Hamas for taking care of their citizen as it is on Israel

Israel is responsible for Hamas - they propped them up over the PLO, created the oppressive conditions that would lead to sympathy for their goals - Fatah/the PLO would be in power if Israel didn’t decide to create the pretext for this genocide at the expense of Israeli lives. What would Palestine pushing back against Hamas look like when half the population are children? They’re not responsible for taking away Israel’s flimsy justification for driving them from their homes and slaughtering them.

I am not here to justify every death of every kid in Gaza, but I do say that Israel was provoked, and we are in «find out» phase of «fuck around», and yes, I reject the notion of «genocide»

That toddler kicked me after I tortured them, so I was justified in stomping their skull into a paste - fuck around and find out… What’s proportionality? You’re doing a lot of work to defend a genocide for someone that’s opposed to genocide - but you disagree with the UN on the definition, and think this is justified, so that shouldn’t come as a surprise.

up to 2005 UN, EU, America, Russia, Israel and a host of middle east intermediates like Qatar: provide aid to Gaza to encourage economic growth, is inevitably siphoned off by Hamas and others for military purposes

2006: UN, EU, America, Russia, Israel: “dear Hamas totes congrats on winning an election, wonder if you could abandon your pledge to genocide Israel and pick up the two state solution discussions where Fatah got up to? Else…y’know… we’ll have to cut aid and stuff coz that’s a bit terroristy”

Hamas: “Fuck you infidel! We look forward to strangling your children in their bed” incoherent yelling

UN, EU, America, Russia: deep sigh

Israel: cuts aid, blockades Gaza

Egypt: also blockades Gaza Yo you Hamas bois are batshit insane, no way we’re having an open border with you “Muslim brothers”…

Western social science students: why would Israel do this?

It’s interesting how this leaves out 17 years of choking supplies of food and water to the civilian population of Gaza, the Israeli occupation and settlements in Gaza prior to 2005, the fact that that illegal occupation had been ongoing for 38 years despite international outcry, the naval blockade amounting to an act of war of its own, and really the whole broader context of the population of Gaza being displaced by ethnic cleansing by Israel since 1948.

I’ll keep this simple.

You have a bunch of genocidal dipshits welding small arms embedded in a civilian population, propped up by a genocidal nuclear power with a modern military and F-35s.

  • Which has the ability to deliver on that genocidal intent, and has been wiping out the other at a rate of between a dozen and five hundred to one over the past few decades?

  • Why did Israel prop up Hamas over the moderate, secular PLO, who wouldn’t murder Israelis?

He said, believing the IOF, who has killed Palestinians with absolute impunity, and lying through the teeth about it

Don’t forget the hasbara bots upvoting him!

Has there even been any evidence of that?

“IDF says…”

Of course. What reason would they have to lie? /s

Maybe we should wait until there’s been a more neutral investigation before deciding it’s one hundred percent true.

What I never understand about major news stories is that so many people take everything they see at face value and then consider it indisputable fact. When there’s an international war going on, no one thinks that just maybe we’re only getting a fraction of reality communicated to us? That it must be the worst game of telephone in terms of accuracy? But then if someone even suggests that maybe there’s more to the story, they’re conspiracy theorists or they get told what “side” they’re on.

We should all be at least somewhat discerning. There’s so many different actors with interests in this war. We have no idea what else could be going on that we will never, ever hear about, nor how much spin is being put on the stuff we do hear about.

Do you really think only you had this thought? Don’t you think this is exactly what I think about your opinions? And telling this in my face literally does nothing because I am just as convinced that you gobble up Al-Jazeera/Hamas propaganda as, supposedly, I am gobbling up Israeli propaganda?

Come down to Earth buddy


You are wildly bad faith all over the comments, wow.

You went too “down to earth” and need to pull your head outta sand or whatever dark hole you have it shoved into.

If you consider logical implications “a bad faith” we have nothing to talk about


If you consider putting words in peoples mouths and strawmanning their positions “a good faith” we have nothing to talk about.

I mean independently verified. The idf has a history of lying and some of the stuff mentioned in that article has already been disproven.

What’s your explanation for the video in the article? AI-generated? Doctor’s fire exit? Aliens?

Wow, a tunnel near a hospital. There’s tunnels under my university too. Should the idf siege it?What I’m asking for is clear evidence that Hamas was using the hospital as a command center. I still haven’t seen any of that.

Oh yup gotcha. i am stopping here, calling my buddies in Hamas for confirmation

Go ahead. Maybe release another phone convo between Hamas militant one and Hamas militant 2?


Perhaps get them to send you their hostage watching schedule / calendar that the IDF was showing off as evidence too. Or the the mysteriously multiplying guns and “one take” “no editing” english video that has edits in it…

So then when terrorists use human shields, which in this case include literal babies, it’s okay to ignore the human shields and just indiscriminately attack?

First of all, you’re either ignorant or an idiot if you think what Israel is doing is “indiscriminate”.

More importantly, what’s your superior moral alternative when a force breaches borders, murders hundreds, and takes and holds hundreds more as hostages, and then retreats to the cover of hospitals and schools in a dense city?


More importantly, what’s your superior moral alternative when a force breaches borders, murders hundreds, and takes and holds hundreds more as hostages, and then retreats to the cover of hospitals and schools in a dense city?

Let’s do a little thought experiment here. Say that everything happened exactly as before except this time they retreated and hid inside Israeli hospitals and schools, on the Israeli side of the border, full of Israeli citizens. Do you think Israel would attack those terrorists in the same way?

Probably not, because those would be THEIR hospitals. There would be no tunnel system, no munitions stores, etc etc.

Your “gotcha” thought experiment is asking whether or not a country should treat the enemy country with equal caution to their own. Did you even consider it before asking it?

Does that force come from a people who’ve been deprived of everything, forced into a system of apartheid, robbed of their freedom and routinely bullied, tortured and killed for half a century?

That seems to be an important factor to just leave out of the equation.

“Pick up the gun…” - Bill Hicks

No. Obviously? And it’s irrelevant. There’s no symmetry here.

If Hamas puts down their guns there would be peace.

If Israel puts down there guns there would be no Israel.

Only a Hasbara clown or a complete idiot would utter such stupidity, congrats.

I didn’t say “it was okey”. I said i do understand why that happens. I am also saying Israel takes some steps to limit the number of civil victims, while Hamas takes none

We need a hell of a lot more evidence to support that than we’ve seen, it would still run into major problems with proportionality/distinction standards regarding all the civilians they killed in and around the hospital, and it wouldn’t make a scratch with regard to the other civilian infrastructure they’ve targeted.

Ann Archy

Sanity keeps falling out of the Overton window like it’s an oligarch visiting the Kreml.

Holy crap - this place is crawling with hasbara.

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