The real deal y0

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


I said the same to a coworker this week. If i were to be part or manage an illegal ring like csam, id make my own protocol/app that just uses encryption. Youre already doing illegal shit, go one further so you dont get caught

I will be honest, i am fully against tiktok and everything it stands for. It should burn in hell.

…However, the law the us passed to ban tiktok makes no sense whatsoever. At its core its as bad as china’s grasp on a lot of markets. I believe a more correct way is to ban the practices tik tok does and ban it from federal devices. However, such a law needs more effort and would also get us-based companies in trouble.
But even then, its a way better solution to the problem

I dont know, could be used to target tv’s and embedded devices. A user has less control there and they have free reign there. Wouldnt be surprised if they knew this

Oh wait, youre giving me great theoretical ideas here. I didnt think about it untill now but ( atleast in central europe ) a lot of cosplayers use eva in its foam form to craft a lot of their costumes or props. If a printable eva exists, they would no longer need to do the cutting and puzzling of eva foam boards. Print it like how you need it!
I can see why you wrote a paper on it and is very cool to hear about!
Also never heard the stratasys story before lol

Huh, til.

Also, it was interesting to see all the issues he had with it, but i can see its uses. Like you said though, messy as hell

Same. I have an a3 tfsi-e and the adaptive cruise control is subscription based ( which i learned after i started leasing ).
Last audi i will have.
No vw brands, no bmw, no tesla. Who will i go to in 3 years? :/

And that a week after eu announced they’d investigate apple for excluding the feature in the eu.
Looks like somebody was called out for having bullshit hehe

I got a github copilot subscription at work and its useful for suggesting code in small parts, but i would never let it decide what design pattern to use to tackle the problem we are solving. Once i know the solution i can use ai, and verify its output to use in the code

Not only voters, also politicians. Everyone can be influenced, even those in power :)

About 20. Belgium has had these laws for around 18 years now because switching mobile provider was shit and it was found to not support competition within the mobile market ( no shit ! ).
At the same time they forced mobile providers to allow other providers to use their network infrastructure so new providers could be made without needing to make their own network infrastructure

As somebody who has worked as a hospital software developer for years : yes, agreed. Ive been in contact with a few us based healthcare systems and they are often even less secure than the existing software, which isnt secure at all lol.

Hospital security has been a rising issue and needs to be taken VERY seriously. There is a shit ton of information in the databases that you dont want to loose, nor get leaked!

Oh ye, in the case with norway, if electric is working then fuck hybrids!

Fair, in regard to tax advantagea they shouldnt be the same as electric. I agree with that.

Its stupid that my audi has the same tax advantages as a kia ev6 despite it beeing bad, and if not worse, for the environment.

But i wouldnt say that law wise they should be considered like ice cars, They arent that. Optimally, they should be considered what they are : hybrids, a step between ice and ev. They arent ice and they arent ev’s either. Yet, as is, nobody looks at hybrids so we just deal with them like ev’s. Better that than ice imo or i, as a single guy renting a place, would be royally fucked that i would be forced to take a ev i cant charge at home or ice that i would pay a shit ton for

Plugin hybrids arent ice either. I can drive my audi a3 full electric for as long as there is charge in the battery.

I agree they need to be seperated in statistics, but law wise, keep them as electric. They are a good stepping stone to prepare us for whats to come

Thats only nvidia though. Amd seems to still be trying to compete with nvidia some way or another

And how much did you pay for the 2016 card, what range was it in, and what is the new card’s cost and range?

Overal, gpus have been a major ripoff, despite these upgrades giving good performance boosts

Its nvidia, its always a ripoff :p

As a pine64 fan ( proud owner of pinecill and quartz64 as daily drivers ) , i rooting for them and the pinephone. I like the idea of a linux phone, but unsure how stable and functional it is. Specially with official documents/websites needing certain apps ( government document signing, 2fa, … ).
Still, awesome idea

While they were happy with what the fairphone 4 brought to the table, they seem to like what was changed for the fairphone 5. What are you guys' opinions on this? A welcome change? would you get one if your phone died within the next year?

But isnt /e/OS an android system too? Always wondered what stops a person from not just installing lineageOS on these phones? Basically did what i did with mine lol

In my head fake news is propganda, so idk. Detect fake news and youll detect bullshit in propoganda as well i suppose

Thats the thing, with a small adaptor that has no logic/silicon, usb-a device is fully compatible with a usb-c port. And things like framework solved this issue ages ago to make hardware expose either, or both, usb-c and usb-a…

If anything, i think the usb-c price might be why its nowhere to be seen. However, with the eu laws that might change in the next 8y, but i doubt it as usb-c to usb-a are a thing

And here i am, reading this and hearing roberto’s “he-hAA” as he stabs with a knife. Good news! Some voices are just carved in my mind i guess.

Ye no, i will only say they support it the moment their devices isnt made to not be repaired and have dark patterns all over them

Maybe, i am running latest nvidia drivers atm

Yup. Again, loading can take a while because of the hard drive and ram being older, but it runs perfectly fine!

At the start of the game there is a lot going on on screen, and it dips to 30fps, probably my cpu being poopy haha

But in the end, doesnt go lower than that… On ultra :p

On top of everything that has been mentioned here, id like to add that the game is hella well polished and runs super smooth. I run the game on a 4th gen i5, gtx 1060, 16GB of ram and hard drives… On ultra graphics at a steady 40-50fps ( and +30 on busy places like at the start of the game )

Yes, it loads some textures slowly on initial load because its run from a hard drive, not an ssd, but that is about it!!