I run 16 Bit Virtual Studios. You can find more reviews from me on YouTube youtube.com/@16bitvirtual or other social media @16bitvirtual, and we sell our 3D Printed stuff on 16bitstore.com

  • 30 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023

This doesn’t sound like an issue for those who use Fusion frequently, however you may want to find ways to get local files, just to be safe.

Na, learnt that lesson along time ago when my Dad was trying to help me and got my account banned.

It tracks it but since eBay uses the term “used” for all the category its hard to tell the difference between the box vs box+power+av vs box+controllers+power+av

Sometimes it comes with crappy third party controllers other times it comes with one legit and the other is a madcatz

So its a bit unreliable for exact prices, but good enough to get a feel for what bit should be worth.

It’s my go to when looking up game prices. That said I used eBay completed for consoles, since it doesn’t track hardware as well the last I checked.

My experience with eBay Buyer Protection
I’ve been buying games off of eBay before I’ve ever owned a credit card, and its web page could render on a PSP. Over the years I’ve purchased consoles, rare games, and common guff for my game library with virtually no issues. Obviously eBay is full of scams and I’ve purchased my fair share of crap from china which either didn’t work, or never arrived, and grew to look at local sellers with returns or a good reputation. I’ve always saw the eBay Buyer Protection and thought it was neat, and that I’d never use it. Oh boy was a wrong. Last month I found a console going for an insane price, not too low that it would’ve been an immediate red flag, but good though that I didn’t worry about the sellers non existent returns. The system looked good in the photos and the seller feedback looked legit. The only weird thing was the description was written by AI (eBay is pushing it and it’s as useless as you can imagine), but the condition was used, so I got it. When it arrive the console was dirty as it was in photos. But nothing that a bit of elbow grease can’t fix. Then I noticed the ports were a bit dirty, and there was signs that it was opened by an ape before I got it. So I got my new cables, purchased separately since it wasn’t coming with any, plugged her in and… nothing. No light, no life. Took the system apart myself and the insides of the console was a complete mess. Rust and corrosion everywhere, so much I thought it was used as a boat anchor at some point. Or the side of the road in the rain. So I contacted the seller and asked them for a refund. They offered to exchange it, and thought to play ball… 2 days later the other system was missing. Suuurreee. I gave them an offer for a partial refund. Saying hey, this is so broken it’s not with the return shipping. Why don’t we compromise and you give me a return minus the amount it would cost me to return it and we’ll call it even. I paid $92 and I offered $67. They then offered me $27. Nope going full refund. Then they went silent with no messages or instructions. I escalated it with eBay, who gave them 3 option, pay for return shipping and refund me when it arrives, I pay for shipping and they reimburse me, then I got the rest of the money back, or we figure something else out. They opted for the first option. I printed the label and I waited for their currier to pick it up. The seller also gave no instructions but thankfully tracking had enough info from the tracking label I knew what was happening. Then the day arrived for the parcel picked up, and the currier was a no show. I checked the label and the address was wrong. Despite it showing up. Informed the seller, and they canceled the label. But ghosted me again. EBay got back to me and told me the case will default in 3 day if it was not picked up. Then 3 days passed and I had to reach out to eBay again, who tried to restart the process. At this point I was frustrated and told them it’s been 3 weeks since I started this return claim, please either refund me or escalate this. I got my refund that afternoon. What I learned about eBay buyer protection is this. It works, but it’s work too. It’s quite fair to the seller, but its resolution is heavily in the buyers favor. My only advice is for buyers who’ve been scammed like I was, is to keep on top of your eBay rep, as replies are handed in a shared pool, and the support agent is not going to look back on the case history. TL:DR got scammed on eBay, got money back from eBay buyer protection, however it took 3 weeks and keeping on top of eBay support.

For me, Retro gaming has always been the budget option. And outside of a few rare example where the value of the game was about to sky rocket (see Pokemon XD), I usually wait for the price to make sense to me.

For me that price is between $5 and $30 depending on the game, system, and how good that game is.

When I see Cars for the PS2 for $3.99 at a thrift store, I’m not going to say no. But $300 for the SNES version of Chrono Trigger, and the sellers, and the idiots influencers that buy from them, are out to lunch.

For these games with hyper inflated price points like Chrono Trigger, or Conkers Bad Furday, what I usually look at is re-releases or ROM collections. For a game like Conkers, you can literally buy an Xbox One and Rare Replay for less than what the cart is selling for. If you get lucky you might even get OEM controllers.

With most retro games outside of license titles getting remakes, and re-releases you should look at remakes before the original. You can probably build a sizable retro game library from the various ROM collections on steam alone. But if you want to play on the original hardware, I do advocate for Piracy of Hyper Inflated games like Pokemon Emerald. Especially since those scalped prices are not going back to the developers who made it, and Nintendo appears to have no desire to ever re-release them. So in my books they are as good as abandon ware, and one foot in the door to the public domain.

Oldest system, by release year its my Hong Kong 6 Switch Atari 2600. Local guy was selling it and it was in immaculate condition. Dust cover on the system, with boxed games.

At the time I was selling games and systems, so I kept the system and 2 games for myself. Don’t use it much since its a 2600, but I have it on my shelf.

Oldest system I own is my GBC, had it since before my youngest sibling was born and I still have it today. Obviously doesn’t get much use since GBA SP, but I still keep it around.

I too install Linux Mint, though Fedora Silverblue and Kinote is another good alternative.

I’ve been at this for years, most of my designs are like your solid parts (Display Stands and DS Stylus). I’ve only recently tried experimenting with moving parts, and I’ve found using mixed mediums the best when 3D printing. i.e. using cloth or leather as the moving medium, with TPU or PETG for strength/flexibility.

As for what this is for. I’ve designed and made 3D Printable e-reader cases, which this link will show you the printable parts for, but I’d like to make a case for my iPad and other tablets, however I want to be able to prop it up and for it to be stable. This is designed with my cases in mind, and it has the clearance to lay flush with the back panel.

End goal is to have this embeded in the back so I can prop it up landscape, while I have another in the sleep cover so it can be propped up portrait, like an easel.

So I wanted a small, and thin friction hing for another project, and I couldn't find the metal ones that they use for the iPad's Magic Keyboard case. So I design my own the parts I had on my desk. The smallest nut that I had was 4mm wide which really limited how thick the design can be. The result is this ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/8dec6028-c634-423c-b3f8-6b25a9a51287.jpeg) It folds flat at measure at a maximum thickness of about 10mm ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/84a23f3c-d0fe-4410-9bd9-b841a80a2f86.jpeg) It works a lot better than I thought it would, especially since this is my first prototype print. Need to figure out some things, like to stiffen the arms and to prevent/reduce twisting. ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/e74d12e8-860c-45d3-a3e7-ddf588997d93.jpeg) But as a basis to start from this works nicely. I think if I add a TPU washer on the back end, I might be able to get it stiffer and more consistent feeling. But I'll do that at another time.

Just did my first CPU Upgrade in 7 years, it went well.
So a very long time ago now, I upgraded from my ancient AMD FX 6100 to a Ryzen 5 1600, and now I am on my 3rd CPU with an Intel i3 12100f. Why did I go with an i3 and not the i5? Simple, I was on a budget and I couldn't justify spending more than $250 CAD for this upgrade. I could've squeezed in the 12400 if it was in stock, but it wasn't. Why didn't I just get a new AMD CPU and slot it in? Well I tried, but my Gigabyte motherboard (even with updates) refused to play nice with the 5500 I tried to upgrade too. If I was keeping with AMD I'd need to buy a new Motherboard and if I was buying a new Motherboard for this I might as well get the best bang for my Buck. So what did I get. Motherboard: MSI PRO B760M-P since it had the IO I wanted (2x M.2 slots and a USB C Port on the back) CPU: Intel i3 12100f And the results are... honestly surprising. Despite loosing 2 core and 4 threads, I gained in performance everywhere, or I was GPU limited with my 3050. 2 minutes off of my 10 minute handbrake render, 50fps extra in Doom 2016, and a doubling in Geekbench single core performance which I need thanks to my work in FreeCAD. FreeCAD is still slow, but the models I am loading are demanding. Overall I am happy with my upgrade, and the best part is, since I am buying my Motherboards at the end of a socket generation rather than the beginning, it means when I want to upgrade in a few years, it should work with intel 13th and 14th gen CPU's. Geekbench before: https://browser.geekbench.com/v6/cpu/6614622 Geekbench after: https://browser.geekbench.com/v6/cpu/6616466

Right, lots of suggestions for Bambu and Prusa and rightfully so. But their prices are high and while they are worth it, they wouldn’t be what I’d suggest for a first time printer.

The Ender 3 is what I’d suggest, though not the V1. The S1 or the v3 and good starting points for being in budget and having some modern features.

This isn’t like the mid 2010’s where it was hit or miss and the printers will have a slight chance of burning your house down. Hictop anyone? But these days even a $200 printer is good enough to start printing.

That said software is going to be your biggest pain point.

For the slicer make sure its compatible with PrusaSlicr or Cura. Preferability the former. This makes the models to print, and some cheep third party slicers makes their own with questionable quality and support.

For modeling, you have some options. Blender if you are looking to design 3d shapes like clay. Fusion360 is a cheap and free (while limited) solution for parametric cad design. With TinkerCAD is a good in between. But like Photoshop is to gimp, Fusion 360 is to FreeCAD and it may be worth learning how FreeCAD works since its an extremely flexible tool.

TL:DR Ender 3 V3/S1, Prusa Slicer, Cura, Blender, TinkerCAD, Fusion360, FreeCAD and you should be too to start printing and making brackets.

Recommendations for learning. Have someone who knows how to hand sew nearby to ask questions. My local leather shop has classes to help newbies.

That said I didn’t take those, as I had a really good idea on what I wanted, and someone nearby that could teach me to sew. Plus I used cutting machines to do a lot of the heavy lifting.

My only advice is to not use a vinyl cutter like from Cricut or Silhouette. The motors are not strong enough to cut actual leather, they fetch and loose steps very easily. Laser is your best bet, though the smell is pungent, ventilation is required.

The other advise is unlike cloth, you need to plan and make your stitch holes before you sew. Leather is too thick to punch through it without significant force. A Sharp knife is your best friend if you missed a hole.

Here is the reverse side: ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/a0f78289-f44b-4b16-ad49-d936391661e0.jpeg) For the long and short of what this is. I make 3D Printable e-reader cases that are held together by stitching cloth or leather. Up to now the cover had the magnet as a part of the design, but with no way to upgrade or change it out. This is my solution for that. With 8 screws and a tight fit, the cover can be swapped out when you upgrade or change out your e-reader. That way you can keep the case itself and just upgrade the components you need when you need it. Still testing it, but very happy with how it turned out.

Mostly a guess as to prove it is outside of my reach. The CPU was new out of the box, and there are a lot of reports from Reddit, and other tech forums about Gigabyte B350M boards having issues with Ryzen 5000. I forgot where I this tidbit came from, but from my understanding, Ryzen 5000 has a larger instruction set, which first gen Ryzen Motherboard BIOS Storage didn’t have the space for. Some boards would loose functionality for Ryzen 1000 if they wanted to use Ryzen 5000.

So I feel it’s a safe assumption that at least with my board it probably was an issue. Wasn’t going to dig deeper when my 1600x still worked and I was within the 15 return period.

A quick tale of attempting to upgrade my CPU
I feel this happens to everyone. Buy a PC, be happy that it's better than what it replaces, then after a few years get annoyed that's slow. This happened to me with my now 6/7 year old Ryzen 5 1600x. It was so much faster then my FX 6100, but my workload changed, and while multicore it's good, single core leaves much to be desired, especially since my CAD software of choice FreeCAD is very dependent on single core/thread performance. So I've been keeping an eye on the markets, waiting for a deal to be had, and I found one, with the Ryzen 5 5500 going into my budget. So I bought it thinking that my old Gigabyte B350M Motherboard would support it. I mean Gigabyte says it's supported and they've never lied about anything before... let alone deny by rebate claim for my laptop. So I installed the CPU, booted it up, and boot loop. So I took out a stick of ram and it posted, was planning on fixing that later. Configured my BIOS to my liking, saved and restarted into my OS. It booted, for 3 seconds, then promptly black screened and crashed. Not even the power and reset buttons worked, so I had to hard kill it. OK Troubleshooting time. Check BIOS version. 52h, hummm looks good but there is a 53, lets install that. And a reboot after, no fix. OK let ask Google, within the dozens of responses asking for BIOS version, there was reseating the RAM. That did nothing, and underclocking the CPU to 3000MHz. That shockingly worked, and I booted into my OS. Neat, I can troubleshoot that later. Now let's install my other stick of RAM and lets get to fixing this sucker... and it's boot looping again. I've reset the CMOS, put both sticks of RAM into all slot configurations, and nothing. So I re-installed my 1600x to sanity check myself, and it worked, with both RAM installed. So back to Canada Computers I went to get a refund. While I was tempted by the Intel CPU's on the way out, I got new thermal paste and now I am writing this post on my PC with the 1600x. Lessons I learned today. 1) If you are upgrading a 1000 series Ryzen stick with the 3000 series as 5000 compatibility is dodgy depending on the manufacturer. 2) The Manufacturers can and will lie about compatibility, and hardware upgradability is hit or miss depending on the Motherboard. 3) I'm not buying from Gigabyte ever again. Though I've heard Asus isn't much better. Now PLEASE NOTE BEFORE COMMENTING. I do not have the 5500 and will not go back and get it again, so no troubleshooting, please. I just wanted to share my experience and kind of warn those who plan on doing the same.

Yeah, yeah totally planned and not rereading the series for the 10th time… 😐

Yeah, I made these because my original case broke (Nova 3 color not kobo). I sell them on Etsy, though sadly since it’s so labour intensive to stitch it ends up costing as much as the eReader. Trying to make it more upgradeable and user serviceable to better justify the price, but I’m still testing them.

As for the desk, it’s my deterrent to keep eBay scam artists from selling my designs with my photos. I have fancy professional photos I can use if I want.

Like this one

The Keyboard is from EVGA but it was on clearance when I got it so I don’t think they sell it anymore.

You can download the files on: Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6615905 Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/874747 FreeCAD Design Files: https://github.com/the16bitgamer/16BitVirtualStudiosDesigns/tree/main/GLoA%20E-Reader%20Cases/6%20inch The files are for all the 3D Printable components which makes up the e-reader case. What's not included in the files is the cutting profiles for the case that holds it. But you can just use duck tape or some flexible adhesive and it'll work. Along with the screws, nuts and magnets required.

I am happy I could still get it in red 😋 Original RAM was Ballistix Sport LT 16GB Kit (8GBx2) DDR4 2400 MT/s (PC4-19200), while my new sticks are TeamGroup T-FORCE VULCAN Z 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 3600MHz CL18.

It’s easy to forget that this isn’t Reddit and posts can have descriptions. It’s why I like using lemmy.

The other reason is because I got the Kobo Clara 2e to make a e-reader case for it, which I did. And now I don't need it any more, but I'd like a stand in for it just in case, I need to test fit and finish. Now I can sell my old 2e! If you too need a Kobo Clara 2e stand in... for whatever reason. You can download them here Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6577515 Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/842520

I have an option for nvenc but I had issues with it in the past. Plus the video conversion is so quick I don’t notice.

Oh I have no complaints about my 1600x. It’s fast enough with the right software and it’s pared with a RTX 3050 8GB, so it’s perfect for 1080p gaming.

To achieve this ~~feet~~ feat, I am rendering a Project in Davinci Resolve, while compressing two other videos with Handbrake. I was kind of hoping for 100% GPU Utilization, but my CPU has been at 100% utilization for the last 10 min, so I think she's toasty enough.

No promises that it’ll work, but you could modify our design files on our GitHub page. I think if the supporting pillar was slightly changed it may work.

Thanks! I was worried that the physical constraints of the spool would impact it’s design!

You can download it on: - Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/791235 - Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6514969 I've been wanting to make this for a while now. I've previously made controller spools for NES, SNES, and DualShock Controllers, but this odd design of the GameCube controller has always pushed me away from making one. However with the addition of a Supporting pillar and some fun design curves, it's working the way I want it to, and it can be flat packed in a 2cm shipping box.

I 100% agree, however I went Prusa for their replacement parts and long term support of said parts. Rather than their quality which outside of the bed levels on uneven surfaces has been good.

Living in a 30 year old apartment for 5 years and no way to do repairs. It was liked this when I moved in.

$1,500 CAD/Month (current market $2000) Welcome to Halifax, NS!

Oh I’ve had my fair share of issues with this. i.e. little specs of the previous print color is stuck on the next print since I missed it during print clean up.

But if I am honest, for a normal spring steel PEI sheet it’s perfect. And I prefer this to the magnetic solution like on the Mini since it lets me use Garolite/G10.

I’ve only seen this issue with the satin bed.

I've tried to report the issue to Prusa support but they keeps trying to diagnose it as user error. But at this point I'm at a loss and presume that it's either a firmware issue or a sensor issue on my unit. Either way im very disappointed. And before you ask, this is the opposite side ![PXL_20240301_160413072](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/ab7e9690-eeb4-4971-92d4-b4eae9f30a47.jpeg) EDIT: I will note that this print sheet is ruined for my use case, since those patterns will be shown on the underside of my prints. But the print surface still works and can be used without issue... if you ignore the gouges that are being detailed into every print.

Exploration and slime optimization.

The exploration was more just looking around, and since the game is finished I can explore to my heart’s content.

As for slime optimization, the farm has only so many plots of land. So mixing your slimes into mixed slimes lets you feed the slimes easier to feed and maintain.

The goal being a farm that doesn’t create monsters from free roaming plorts while making the most money.

I’m in it for the exploration and without guides its a good time sink

Oh and for games that will just kill your down time (if that’s what you are looking for).

With mouse and Keyboard

  • Civilization 5 or 6
  • Cities Skylines
  • Jurassic World Evolution
  • Kerbal Space Program

With just a gamepad

  • Elder Scrolls 4/5
  • Fallout 3/4/New Vegas (in order)
  • GTA San Andreas (though if you can PCSX2 with the widescreen patch)
  • Batman Arkham Asylum/City/Knight
  • Saints Row 2/3/4
  • Watch_Dogs (can’t say how nice UPlay will be with no login)

With multiple controllers (and friends)

  • TMNT Shredders Revenge
  • Castle Crashers
  • Most ROM bundles like Disney Afternoon, Capcom Arcade Stadium, Sega Genesis Collection etc.

Lemmy communities you should keep an eye out for is: !gamedeals@lemmy.world for freebees and discounts. The other social media site that shall not be named also has a similar community with the same name.

As for new games when in doubt, Humble Bundle. They currently have some fantastic game deals right now if you are a fan of Capcom or Indi games. Outside of the Destiny 2 bundle I’ve heard nothing but positives from them.

Now as you say you are new to PC gaming I’m going to recommend you some niche/personal fav games of mine that either aren’t on consoles, or aren’t know well on consoles.

  • Antichamber, a first person “shooter”, that’s more of a mind bending puzzle game. The most atmospheric game I’ve played and a wonderful time.

  • Most thing from Valve, Half Life 1 & 2, Left for Dead, etc. All good fund and often onsale for dirt cheap. Get it if you find it for the right price. The YouTube series “Freeman’s Mind” is worth a watch if you want a see what the gameplay is like.

  • Portal 1 & 2, Valve FPS and puzzle games. Well known, and obviously recommended. Play in order is advised.

  • Slime Rancher if you are looking for a framing game in the first person

  • Star Wars Dark Forces, Star Wars in the Doom Engine. Not the biggest fan but it’s the first in a series of fun adventure games.

  • Star Wars Jedi Knight Dark Forces II, This is an interesting genera of game. It is a FPS, but it’s in the mission structure of the old doom games. With a narrative of Star Wars. There are light sabers, and you can cut off your enemies limbs. Fun time

  • Star Wars Jedi Knight II/Jedi Academe, aka Dark Forces III. Same as the first game but you get your saber quicker. Had a blast with academe.

  • Super Hot: Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot.

  • Team Fortress 2. Team based hero FPS before Overwatch. I’ve heard the quality went down recently but I haven’t checked.

  • Wolfenstein The New Order. Just a very angry dude killing nazi’s what’s there not to love.

Fun story about it. When I bought it I was selling games and was buying from a guy who had a tub full of Skylander figures and games.

Bought it for the price of the games, made a profit, kept the TV for myself since it was so much better than anything I had before. And I didn’t know what to do with the skylanders. Apparently they had value since a family member was able to offload them all.

I use to sell games on eBay a long time ago and I still have quite the collection. So I made these display stands for my games. Would've killed to have these back when I was selling them! Of the carts I have shown here we have stands for - NES [Printables](https://www.printables.com/model/770344-nes-cartridge-display-stands) | [Thingiverse](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6491683) - SNES [Printables](https://www.printables.com/model/770358-super-nintendo-cartridge-display-stands) | [Thingiverse](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6491695) - N64 [Printables](https://www.printables.com/model/770332-nintendo-64-cartridge-display-stands) | [Thingiverse](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6491676) - Sega Genesis/Master System [Printables](https://www.printables.com/model/770349-sega-cartridge-display-stands) | [Thingiverse](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6491692) - Atari 2600/7800 [Printables](https://www.printables.com/model/770319-atari-26007800-cartridge-display-stands) | [Thingiverse](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6491666) - Atari Jaguar [Printables](https://www.printables.com/model/770327-atari-jaguar-cartridge-display-stands) | [Thingiverse](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6491671) You can also see my design files on [GitHub](https://github.com/the16bitgamer/16BitVirtualStudiosDesigns/tree/main/Game%20-%20Video%20Game%20Stands)

Long and short of it. My bathtub's spring stopper has deteriorated. Building manager solution was to use a rubber stopper. I looked for a replacement part, couldn't find one outside of an [outright replacement](https://www.homedepot.ca/product/os-b-universal-clicker-stopper/1001156641). So I modelled and printed this one in TPU. It works! ![PXL_20240216_192037973](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/ec17aba2-4c1b-4393-a18e-3f0bf99a3342.jpeg) EDIT: 2h30m later, the I've lost ~20mm of water in the replacements tub. Probably should increase the width of the Part to get a better seal. Nothing I can do about it tonight EDIT: 12h later, the tub was pretty much empty. Trying again with a wider plug since I think the fit wasn't tight enough before. As for those who think a regular stopper would be better, you are right. But for the $0.16 of material and a learning opportunity for TPU I don't see it as a waste of time

If you don't know what lightning infill is, it was made by [Cura](https://ultimaker.com/learn/how-to-print-like-a-flash-with-lightning-infill/) and was added to [PrusaSclicer](https://blog.prusa3d.com/prusaslicer-2-5-is-here-new-perimeter-generator-step-file-support-lightning-infill-and-more_70562/). I chose to print with it since it showed up as a tool tip. Hoping has the same infill strength as Gyroid as it's suppose to use less filament (estimates is around 5 grams for this part). It was suppose to also save time, but it instead added 10 min.

That’s what I’ve heard too. Though Crash isn’t my cup of Tea. Hope we get a new Spyro game, but with the issues around Toys for Bob I’m doubtful.

You know when you want to play a game, but you just can't find the time to play it. Well that was my long running excuse on why I haven't played Crash 2 after all these years. But I finally found some time, so here is what I thought of the game. Crash 2 Cortex Strikes Back is the second game in the series, and the first I played through on PlayStation (well DuckStation but same game). And trying to get started with this game was... difficult for me. For some reason I want to play this game like a Spyro title, trying to get all the collectibles and gems on my first playthrough. But even after multiple runs of the first level I couldn't get all the gems. Nor with the second level. While before this mentality made me want to put the controller down, this time I just decided to say F it, and just get the Crystals and make it past the first warp room. And what can I say but wow is this a fun, but extremely difficult platformer. Crashes jumps are heavy, platform collision detection is small, and the ice physics are brutal. But I'd never call this game unfair. The game always provides lots of opportunities to get extra lives, and with checkpoint and box placements, it's always just a matter of time before I can complete a stage. I mean I only ever game overed once in my entire playthrough. No if I had to criticize this game, it's that this is a "Strategy Guide" game. A game which basically demands the player to get the official strategy guide for the game, so you can get that 100% completion. What this means for Crash 2 is that there is no in game hints and tricks to lead the player to get the various hidden gems. Especially the colored ones. Thankfully you can beat the game without one and Gamefaqs exists so it's not difficult to find the secrets on your own. But I kind of was hoping the Crash was going to be like Spyro. A game which you can play at beat on your own just by playing around and not running into every wall to find one you can clip through. But for what Crash 2 is, it's a very good, beautiful, polished, almost essential PlayStation experience. Out of the 3 games this is the one I'd recommend picking up first. If I am honest though unlike the Reignited Trilogy for Spyro which I feel is hit or miss for the spyro games, I feel the Insane Trillogy is the definitive way to play any of the Crash games.

I agree if we were talking about an Ender3 V1 or V2

However with the Ender-3 S1 which had auto bed levelling and has a direct drive extruder. All for well under the price of a Prusa and Bambu Labs. It’s a good first step.

A 3d printer is a tool, and in my opinion you should get a cheap tool before dropping good money on a proper one. That way you’ll know if you need the 300mm bed, or direct drive extruder and silent stepper drivers, with an enclosure.

However when you are looking for a cheap printer, I’d try to get one with auto bed leveling, since all the good printers have one, and manual bed leveling suck with no reward at the end.

Ender3v2/3 is a good starting point. Lots of parts online, and YouTube tutorials and guides for how to get it to work. FlashForge is another.

When you wanna throw it out a window, Prusa is my goto, though BambuLabs is getting some clout from their marketing push. I have personal gripes about them, but so far they seem legit.

The device looks like it’ll be good to play most games upto the PSP. While I can suggest the usual suspects, Super Metroid, Metroid 4, SotN, Pokemon I’m going to suggest odd-ball games which I like

Game Boy

  • Super Mario Bros Deluxe (NES Mario 1 & JP Mario 2 with saves and bonus features)
  • Harry Potter 1,2,&3 (Turn Based RPGs, bit rough but an excellent sound track)
  • Mickey’s Speedway USA (made by Rare, fantastic soundtrack, top down racer, GBC game so controls are wonky)


  • Crash Nitro Kart (smoother and plays better IMHO than Super Circuit, controls require some patience to master)
  • Spongebob Squarepants the Movie the Game (Made by Wayforward, and is better than I’d expect a license game to be)
  • Jurassic Park Operation Genesis (Zoo tycoon with Dinos on GBA)


  • Ren & Stimpy Stimpy’s Invention (beautiful and painful platformer)
  • TMNT Hyperstone Heist (Turtles in Time, but legally distinct so Nintendo didn’t sue)
  • Scooby-Doo Mystery (A point and click adventure on the Genesis, yes they made one)



  • Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary (3D Platformer that’s aged well)
  • Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase (A 3D Platformer that hasn’t)
  • Harry Potter 1&2 (We have the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time at home)
  • Rugrats Search for Reptar (if you like the show you’ll like the game, otherwise it makes PS1 Hagrid look like the monalisa)
  • The Emperor’s New Groove (3D Platformer that’s aged a lot better than it should’ve)


  • Star Wars Battlefront II, Renegade Squadron, & Elite Squadron (same concept, 3 different implementations, all have their pros and cons)
  • Modnation Racers (yes they ported a PS3 game to a portable with less power than a PS2, and it’s not half bad)
  • LittleBigPlanet (same deal, just with a platformer)
  • LEGO Star Wars II/LEGO Indiana Jones (PS2 games ported to PSP)

The case is bound by cloth, the purple spine and black outline is cloth. While the arms back panel and sleep cover is petg

I took my existing [Kobo E-Reader Case design](https://lemmy.world/post/8884910), and modified it to work with the 11th generation Kindle E-Reader. I've also made the files available if you'd like to try yourself Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6443627 Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/730286 GitHub: https://github.com/the16bitgamer/16BitVirtualStudiosDesigns/tree/main/GLoA%20E-Reader%20Cases/6%20inch

The point of this was to be cheap. It’s more meant to be a quick way to get the correct number of screws ready for a thing and they screws just need to be held down.

Made this to keep track of small #2-56 / M2 screws for a project of mine

Here’s my take on it, as someone who sells 3D printed things.

Infill percentage doesn’t matter as much as wall and top bottom thickness. My go to is 4 layers top, bottom, and walls. But for products I sell I usually do 25% infill, unless it’s very thin, like a stylus, then it’s 100%.

PLA is a good material for a lot of things. But for tactile things PETG and ABS are better.

And for the other two haven’t had the need to, at least not for a third party service seeing I have a 3D printer.

But don’t you know. They put a do not copy sticker on the disc. That means that you super Dooper can’t copy this disc or you’ll be in trouble.

The nozzle temp is 170 by default and it does it.

Wanted to share this since this was a long Project. Since Autodesk started changing Fusions functionality, from limiting active projects, to changing their terms of service. Since I need a CAD tool for my 3D Printable designs, I started migrating to a new cross platform CAD tool. That happened to be FreeCAD. Learning FreeCAD wasn't easy, but was well worth my time. And after slowly pecking at it for 11 months, I was able to re-build every design I made (that I cared about). I've made my 3D Printable designs available on my GitHub if you are interested: https://github.com/the16bitgamer/16BitVirtualStudiosDesigns

So this is for a more popular team which I've been told isn't doing so well this year. And when I said "what's new", I was told " you know where you can go". For those who asked last time this is all printed in parts and assembled together in one print like so ![PXL_20231209_212831566](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/d0c6cc65-438d-4c10-874b-e7fed6cd72ce.jpeg) Files are again available on Printables and Thingiverse though this model is bigger. I shrank it down in the x and y in my slicer by 50% for these prints https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6364966 https://www.printables.com/model/675731-montreal-canadiens-keychain-ornament

I made this by downloading an SVG of the teams logo from Wikipedia, the importing and making the profiles in FreeCAD. After some finagling of dimension so the thinnest wall wasn't 1 thick, it printed beautifully the first time. Hoping to make more but of more popular teams. If you know of the Belleville Senators, then have at it, I've uploaded the files to Printables and thingiverse https://www.printables.com/model/673303-belleville-senators-ornament https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6360512 EDITED Spelling error in title

Pictured is my Kobo Clara 2e with a laser cut leather cover hand stitched to the 3D Printed Parts and replaceable arms. So far I have the Kobo Clara 2e, Kobo Nia and the Kobo Clara HD designed. I've also made the parts available on Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6340022 Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/662929 and the FreeCAD design files are on GitHub: https://github.com/the16bitgamer/16BitVirtualStudiosDesigns/tree/main/GLoA%20E-Reader%20Cases/6%20inch

View without the ereader for those who are interested ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/ae5db897-4a89-4211-9337-2d6e81940557.jpeg) Already designed a case for my 7.8 inch Nova 3 Color so the end result should look like this sans the pen holder ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/ceeba72f-6907-4a6e-a40c-e60edd8d579d.jpeg) I designed these for my family who has a tendency to break and destroy their ereader cases. And this was to make it easy/simple to make a replacement arms (pink section) when they inevitability break. So far mines held up 7 months without fault while my SO's lasted 4 since their case sees a lot of action. EDIT: Made a small edit to fix the image positions

Was shocked to see just how broken my couch was when we took it apart. This part which is installed is replacing the cracked wood which was held in with just staples. There's now 3-5 screws

Was shocked to see just how broken my couch was when we took it apart. This part which is installed is replacing the cracked wood which was held in with just staples. There's now 3-5 screws

I've been making display stands for other portables, and for some reason I never made one for the Game Gear. You can download it on: Printables: https://www.printables.com/model/517392 Thingiverse: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6103488